当前位置:中华考试网 >> 雅思考试 >> 雅思预测 >> 2011年9月24日雅思口语Part1预测(网友版1)


来源:中华考试网   2011-09-20   【

  ☆ What're your favorite flowers? Do you think flowers are important to Chinese people? Do you often give others flowers as gifts? Do flowers have any special meanings in China?

  ☆ How do you get news? Do you read newspapers or magazines?

  ☆ What sports did you play when you were a child? What’re the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls? What’re your favorite sports now?

  Where do you meet new people? Where did people meet new people in the past?

  Do you like shopping?

  ☆ Do you like drawing and painting? What were your favorite kinds of drawings or paintings when you were a child? Do you think children can benefit from drawing and painting?

  ☆ Do you like taking photos? Do you like to take photos outdoors or indoors? Is photography popular in China?

  ☆ What kinds of pets do Chinese people like to keep? Do people of different ages prefer different pets?

  Do you think air travel is important to us? (It sure is. It’s convenient, comfortable and … fun. Some people are concerned about its safety but according to statistics air travel is actually safer than car rides.)

  Do you like dancing? Have you learned how to dance? Why do so many young people like dancing today?

  Have your neighbors help you with anything? Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?

  Do you prefer to use emails or letters?☆Do you like advertisements? (Day 8: D:favorite ad)

  ☆Why do we need ads? What’s your favorite kind of advertising?
