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中华考试网   2016-02-13   【


  Advertisements of toys and fast food nowadays are usually aiming at children. Some people say that this has a negative influence on children as well as their family. Do you agree or disagree?

  Essay 1:

  Nowadays, there are many advertisements shown on television and internet. Majority of them targeting the children. Since most of the younger people are spending their time in front of the social media, it is inevitable for them to ignore what is being shown to them. Many people believe they have huge negative effects not only on children as well as their families. In my view, it is quite true to a high extent.

  First of all, I think the amount of time young generation spends in front of the screen and mass media, makes them vulnerable to such advertisement tactics. Young children are innocent and do not have a set frame of mind. Advertisers usually aim at children who cannot decode the message they are receiving. What they see only makes them to think within a box, and to imagine the world as it is portrayed to them through media. For example, a child sees a fancy ad for a toy, although it could be expensive and not affordable to his parents, would want to buy it at any cost.

  I also feel that advertising does help push children and adolescent towards unhealthy behavior. Take for instance, some fast food marketers, who are giving promotional toys to attract young buyers. Eating such unhealthy food regularly would obviously lead to other problems such as, obesity.

  In my opinion, it is evident that these ads do exploit young masses and it is increasingly difficult to shield them from such manipulative marketing, as marketers are bombarding from all directions. However, limiting the screen time can certainly minimise the effects of such tricks.



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