当前位置:中华考试网 >> 雅思考试 >> 雅思经验 >> 2013年1月份雅思口语真题精讲B


来源:中华考试网   2013-03-26   【

Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting.

  You should say:

  What you did

  When and where you did it

  Who you did it with

  And explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

  第三部份:extreme sports,spirit of adventure

  Describe a situation that made you laugh.

  You should say:

  What the situation was

  When it happened

  Who was with you

  And explain why you laughed.

  第三部份:comedy and humor, men vs. women, comedy in advertising

  Describe a special toy you had when you were a child.

  You should say:

  What it looked like

  When you got it

  Who gave it to you

  And explain why it was special to you.

  第三部份:how playing toys benefit children, toys in the future

  Describe an important city in your country.

  You should say:

  What city it is

  Where it is

  How you know it

  And explain why it is important.

  第三部份:urban/rural differences, urbanization, city planning, urban sprawl

  Describe a trip you went on in your childhood.

  You should say:

  Where you went

  How long the trip took

  Who you went with

  And explain why you remember this trip.

  第三部份:long-distance trip, travel in space, eco-tourism

  Describe a famous person in your country who has influenced you.

  You should say:

  How you knew this person

  What made him or her famous

  What achievements he or she had

  And explain how this person influenced you.

  第三部份:influence of famous people, pros and cons of being famous

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