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来源:中华考试网   2012-02-25   【

  According to information in the text, intake of nicotine encourages

  A. blood circulation through the body.

  B. activity of other toxins in the blood.

  C. formation of blood clots.

  D. an increase of platelets in the blood.(剑3, Test 1, Q16)

  其中的D选项很具有迷惑性,因为很多同学看到了platelets这个词在原文中有出现.但是原文中是activate small blood cells called platelets, 题目中却把activate 这个词偷换成了increase,变成了错误选项了.

  d. 搭配不当陷阱

  这是最具有诱惑性的选项.这种选项的特点是:选项本身是正确的,但是跟题干却不能形成搭配关系.很多考生看到选项和原文内容相似,甚至还有同义转换,便毫不犹豫地选择了这样的干扰项.如上例中,选项A就在原文中出现.但是原文中说的是… thereby affecting blood circulation throughout the body. 题干中的谓语动词是encourage, 不能形成搭配关系.再看一个例子:

  The experiment was designed to(剑3, Test 4, Q28)

  A. establish whether increased productivity should be sought at any cost

  B. show that four divisions could use the same technology

  C. perfect a system for processing accounts

  D. exploit the human organisation of a company in order to increase profits

  笔者在教学实践中发现,在一些没有讲解这个陷阱的班级里,几乎全部的学生都一致选了D选项.D选项乍一看是对的,原文中有相关的描述,但是原文中exploit the human organisation of a company的主语是a manager,而题目中的主语变成了experiment.而正确选项A对原文进行了高度的概括归纳,不仔细理解,是选不出来的.

