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中华考试网   2018-03-02   【


  题型5 话题分类:新闻媒体类 属性:二级重点


  学生是否需要学习国际新闻 Should secondary students study international news as one of their study projects. one think it is a waste of their v...

  学生是否需要学习国际新闻 Should secondary students study international news as one of their study projects. one think it is a waste of their valuable study time. Discuss both and tell your opinion.




  1. 不该学: 国际新闻对于学生当地的社会而言太过遥远,和他们每天的学习和生活毫不相关。举例,国外的各种政治丑闻,罢工,或是股票的起起落落,都无法教会孩子们去了解当地社会,或是帮助他们取得更好的学校考试成绩。 2. 应该学: 首先,学习国际新闻开阔了学生的视野。举例,通过学习国际新闻中的国外文化元素,孩子们能掌握一种跨文化理解力,这让他们的海外旅行和留学不会犯二。 3. 还有,国际文化帮助孩子们变的更加成熟。举例,在富裕的国家,孩子们总是花钱大手大脚,因为他们的成长环境太安逸。当他们看看那些关于非洲战乱,饥饿和死亡的国际新闻之后,他们能学会珍惜他们的生活。


  The world today has become increasingly vigorous and news stories develop almost every second. Some people think the principle of international news needs to be added to the high school curriculums while others disregard the proposal as a total waste of time. As far as I am concerned, studying the news across the globe can shape these young viewers as well-informed citizens. Admittedly, the main reason against such news is that it has nothing to do with students’ daily lives. For example, the breaking news in other countries or continents--such as political scandals, work strikes, ups and downs of stock market exchange, is too far from the regional situations to provide practical knowledge or instructions for local students. All they see and hear from the international news fail to reflect the truth and day-to-day changes of local community around them, or to improve their studying performance, or to teach them self-care sk


  媒体是否该报道犯罪细节 Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree...

  媒体是否该报道犯罪细节 Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  应该报道: 1. 这是有用的反犯罪经验,提高大众的安全意识和预防犯罪的能力。 2. 对于那些正在侦破的案件,播放犯罪细节能引起大众关注,进而从大众那里获得线索,有助于案件侦破。 3. 犯罪细节包括了犯罪动机,这能反映某些某些深层次的,鲜为人知的社会问题,比如说儿童由于受不了被虐待而怒杀父母。 4. 对于某些和公共资源相关的,或是和政府相关的犯罪,大众有权力获知全部的真相,不然某些官僚可能运用权力来掩盖事实。不应该报道: 1. 这是天然的犯罪教学片,完全给大众灌输如何犯罪以及犯罪的可行性,这是对于潜在犯罪者的一种鼓励和启发,刺激他们模仿犯罪。 2. 很多犯罪现场过于血腥,它会对大众,尤其是小孩,产生强烈的震撼和刺激,这会导致一些不必要的负面情绪,甚至引发大规模的大众恐慌。 3. 对某些犯罪细节进行保护其实是对于受害者及其家人的保护。举例,被性侵犯的女性的个人信息和犯罪过程是坚决不能公布,否则是对她的二次伤害。


  What are the obligations and boundaries of the media for reporting the truth of social crimes? This question arouses a huge controversy in society. Some people suggest reports of crime details should be prohibited and proscribed. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my arguments will be listed as below. The primary reason for the approval of this argument is that disclosing crimes details would place a whole society at risks. Surely, when reporting crime details, there are knowledge and skills necessary for committing crimes. In other words, by watching such reports, these would-be criminals, especially the


  24小时电视节目的利弊 In some countries, TV programs are transmitted throughout the day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmi...

  24小时电视节目的利弊 In some countries, TV programs are transmitted throughout the day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmission is a positive development, while others it is negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




  1. 不间断的电视新闻直播带来的好处是,人们总是能获取最新的信息,这让人们能了解到社会,甚至是全球的经济,科学,军事,政治,文化的最新变化,这些新鲜信息让观众的思维和知识不断更新,跟上社会的快速发展。 2. 第二个好处是,不管在白天黑夜,24小时的电视能把最新的紧急信息推送给大众,如关于地震,海啸,台风等自然灾害的,这是非常必要的提醒,让人们及时作出反应和准备来避免危险。 3. 坏处在于,它让人们过于沉迷虚拟世界。举例,为了看午夜剧,人们很可能会牺牲掉睡觉的时间,这不仅损害健康,也影响到电视迷们第二天的工作表现。


  In the current society, 24-hour TV news and programs have become overwhelming in living or bed rooms of many families. As far as I am concerned, this transmission mode can be both a blessing and a curse simultaneously, and my reasons would be presented as below. None-stop broadcasting of TV can provide the latest information to the public with the whole-day availability, which can help viewers overcome the limitation of time and keep pace with this fast-changing society. For example, 24-hour news cycles at night can consistently present up-to-date domestic and international news reports, from economy to diplomacy, from science to war, thus quenching the thirst of acquiring fresh information among groups who have high sensitivity to news, like stoc


  是否该禁止一切广告Society would benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve no useful purpose, and can even be da...

  是否该禁止一切广告Society would benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  1. 广告的优势多多。第一,它能帮助刺激产品和服务的销量,特别是将那些新品牌引入市场。第二,很多公益性广告能教育大众。举例,很多广告反对暴力和歧视广告塑造了年轻观众的价值观。 2. 然而,很多广告包含了虚假信息,或是鼓励大众进行过度消费。举例,这会说服观众去购买不合适的,不需要的产品。


  It is undeniable that advertising industry has prospered in the last years, positive and negative viewpoints have emerged among the public as regards the impact on our daily life. I particularly believe that regulated appropriately, its benefits will be maximized. Advertising has several benefits. Firstly, it helps to promote products and services among people; it is especially true when new brands and trends are being introduced on the market. Secondly, it is a powerful tool to increase sales and revenues by many modern businesses; As a result, a lot


  新闻媒体的好坏 News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do y...

  新闻媒体的好坏 News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  1. 负面影响:以新闻为主的生活方式会让人们筋疲力尽。举例,报纸和电视吸取了人们所有的关注,这让人们无法关注自己的事情,也缺乏时间来维持家庭关系。 2. 负面影响:负面新闻会引发社会不安。举例,很多谣言,关于社会传染病,或是很多逃犯的信息,会让人们生活在恐惧中。 3. 负面影响:媒体是洗脑工具。举例,处于政治目的,很多新闻媒体会对某些进行毫无根据的攻击和抹黑。这会误导投票人的判断和立场。 4. 正面影响:新闻媒体能提供有用的信息,建议和指导。举例,天气预报和交通堵塞的信息能帮助人们制定合适的出行计划和路线。


  In the present society, it has been hotly debated about the expanding influences of news media on the society. Some fret about the trend because the media might have full control of the minds of the public. Personally, I concur with this view, and my reasons will be revealed as below. The most worrying aspect of new media is that it overwhelms people’s daily lives. Actually, our current life is news-oriented because of the 24-hour nonstop news cycles on TV, radio and Internet. Under such news bombardment, the information overload takes place, which means people’s attentions and minds have to be glued to focusing on and interpreting endless news, comments, gossips and rumors, necessary or unnecessary, no matter where they are, in workplaces, schools, buses or homes. As a result, news media are a huge distraction, which makes people exhausted and reduces thei


  广告的作用 If the product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is...

  广告的作用 If the product is of good quality and meets people’s needs, people will buy it. Therefore, advertising is unnecessary and is no more than a type of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  1. 娱乐功能:在指导人们购物上,广告的作用正在衰退。举例,人们更喜欢通过互联网的帖子和测评信息来选择商品。 2. 销售功能:广告帮助人们有效地了解和对比产品。举例,通过广告中对于相关产品的参数,功能,和总体性能的描述,客户能了解到该产品的特点和价值,并对于产品的好坏做出判断。 3. 刺激销售:广告能勾起观众的购买欲。举例,一个精美的广告往往能让用户重复购买他们不需要的东西,如奢侈品广告。


  What is the basic function of an advertisement in media? Some people believe it is just for entertainment and has nothing to do with products promotion. Personally, I hold an opposed view that advertising is still the main stimulus in spending, and my reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, Advertisements today have less influence on the public to purchase commodities, because now there are diverse information accesses to a product. For example, on an age of Internet, people with desires of purchasing goods, especially the youngsters, prefer reading the professional articles of forums or assessment websites which specialize in collecting comments and feedbacks from consumers, or listening to the advices from friends and peers face to face. In their eyes, the description of a certain product on an adv


  广告是否让人们变得一样 Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the ...

  广告是否让人们变得一样 Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?




  1. 广告让人们变得个性化。举例,大量的广告标语,如“唯一的”,“特别的”,“最好的”,“不一样的”,都是在暗示人们去购买那些不那么大众化的产品来突出自我。 2. 但是,广告的基本功能却是帮助大公司垄断市场。举例,投入巨资打造的闪亮广告能不断巩固那些大品牌在大众中的形象,这吸引了越来越多的人来购买同样的产品。相反,那些小公司却因为缺乏资金做广告而陷入破产边缘。最终,整个市场会被单一品牌垄断。 3. 广告的另外一个作用是制造流行趋势,这刺激了人们对同一个时尚进行盲目的购买。举例,在大厂商的广告诱惑之下,很多的人们总是购买同一个著名品牌的衣服,鞋子,包包,这让她们的外表缺乏区别。


  Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has aroused too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience look similar by motivating them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and the reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, the intention of advertisements is to implant the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including ""new"", ""innovation"", ""uniqueness"", ""revolution"", ""the best"", ""the only"", ""the first"". It is clear that core values of these words bring people a motivation to change, and a desire to try something distinctive. Consequently, the gap between people can be broadened, because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to express their personalities through purchasing various items, instead of following common tastes. However, when considering practical effects of advertisements


  记者的品格 We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, what do u think? And what do you think ...

  记者的品格 We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, what do u think? And what do you think is the important qualities that a journalist should have?




  问题1: 过于依赖网络,不出去挖掘和发现新闻,总是拷贝和转发别人的文章,缺乏原创性。问题2: 不客观。举例,很多记者草率的使用那些来源不可靠的信息,这会造成谣言四起。问题3: 缺乏职业道德。举例,很多记者受贿了。他们隐瞒真相,误导大众,这严重破坏了社会媒体的民主和公平。素质1: 要有热情。记者应该到事件现场去深入了解情况,掌握第一手的资料。素质2: 要有责任心。举例,记者应该参与到第一线来收集新闻和线索,这有利于还原真相。素质3: 要有职业操守。举例,记者应该把社会利益放到自我利益之前,富贵不能淫。


  These days, the journalists are losing the authority in the public because fewer people have faith in them. In my opinion, this trend is triggered by some ill behaviors of them. The reasons and the traits of a qualified journalist will be presented as below. I have to concede that a large proportion of journalists are under the standards of journalism ethics, which leads to the public concerns of the qualities of news in media. Firstly, with the great convenience provided by the Internet, journalists can have an easy access to acquiring all kinds of information. Some of them then begin to repetitively copy or reproduce the news report from certain websites only by clicking the mouse in the office, instead of going outside for practical research. That is to say, these journalists are too lazy to write the original and in-depth news reports. In addition, the lack of responsibility among


  新媒体对于本土文化的影响 Exposure to international media, such as TV, film and magazine, has a significant impact on the local culture. What d...

  新媒体对于本土文化的影响 Exposure to international media, such as TV, film and magazine, has a significant impact on the local culture. What do you think the impact has been? Do you agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?




  1. 新媒体的主要影响在于它很大程度上重构着每一个本土文化。举例,受到互联网和全球时尚杂志的影响,在中国,人们更喜欢西方风格的牛仔裤,T恤和西装了,而不是传统的丝绸衣服。此外,受到网络视频和电影中极限运动的影响和刺激,今天的中国年轻一点最喜欢的运动就是攀岩,自行车速降,蹦极,而不是传统的武术。 2. 新媒体会导致文化入侵。举例,在互联网,电视和电影的作用下,一个全球流行文化迅速地传播,并且会统治当地社会。举例,麦当劳,好莱坞电影,在线游戏,社交网络以已经吸引了年轻人所有的时间和注意力。这让他们对于本地的传统缺乏兴趣。


  Currently, it has been a heated social issue in debate about the trend of international media sweeping the globe. Personally, I think exposure to the global media has substantial effects on the local area, and mainly negative, as far as culture is concerned. Firstly, the main impact of international media on the local culture is that this trend is reshaping and substituting traditional elements, specifically, encompassing patterns of behaviors, religious beliefs, values, customs, food, clothing, lifestyle, social norms and morals, sports, arts and architectures. For example, in China today, cheongsam, traditional silk-made clothes of females, has been gradually replaced with the western-style dresses, jeans, tailored suits and trendy fashions, du


  控制媒体暴力 The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in ...

  控制媒体暴力 The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?






  At the present time, many people believe that the government should regulate the amount of violence in films and on television, in order to reduce social crimes. In my view, this contention is partially wise, and my reasons would be explored as below. Admittedly, there are many good reasons for controlling the amount of violence in films and on television. First, violent films and television are mental poisons for the audience because they contains numerous erotic, corrupt and provoking episodes, with long exposure to which, viewers might become aggressive and eccentric. In addition, violence contents set negative role models for viewers, especially the youth. Activities like fighting, shooting or killing done by movie


  关于对年轻人不利的信息是否需要审查 Nowadays, people can get almost any information from films, books or the internet, but some information can have...

  关于对年轻人不利的信息是否需要审查 Nowadays, people can get almost any information from films, books or the internet, but some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society. Do you think the information censorship is necessary for the youth?




  1. 一些信息包含了对于其他民族和国家的偏见,恐惧和仇恨,培养了年轻人对于其他文化的误解。 2. 暴力内容宣扬的以暴制暴,犯罪致富等歪门邪道扭曲了青少年的价值观。 3. 某些黑道电影和杂志传达的纸醉金迷的世界观让读者陷入吸烟,酗酒,吸毒,赌博,色情等糜烂的生活方式中。不应该审查: 1. 很可能适度的某些负面信息对于年轻人成长是必要的,它能帮助人们成长,了解真实世界,辨别善恶,否则他们只是一直生活在真空中。 2. 如何定义“负面信息”?,很可能为了执政需要,政府会过度使用审查权利,掩盖和隐藏那些对于他们不利的社会活动和言论,这让青少年无法获取真相。 3. 某些犯罪细节的报道能够提升大众的防范犯罪的意识。该题的答题思路和另一篇雅思作文《政府是否该控制媒体中的暴力镜头》是一样的。


  At the present time, many people believe that the government should regulate the amount of violence in films and on television, in order to reduce social crimes. In my view, this contention is partially wise, and my reasons would be explored as below. Admittedly, there are many good reasons for controlling the amount of violence in films and on television. First, violent films and television are mental poisons for the audience because they contains numerous erotic, corrupt and provoking episodes, with long exposure to which, viewers might become aggressive and eccentric. In addition, violence contents set negative role models for viewers, especially the youth. Activities like fighting, shooting or killing done by movie


  儿童看电视的好坏 Is Watching TV good or bad for children's growth?




  不该看1:孩子的第一目标是学习,这和电视的娱乐功能是互斥的。举例,沉迷于电视的话,学生的注意力会从书本转移到电视屏幕上,这让他们大大地分心。不该看2:电视的出现会降低人们的社交热情,学生总是痴痴地盯着电视画面,忽略了和周围人的互动。此外,看电视还减少了孩子们出去活动的时间,这导致健康问题。该看1: 电视能帮助孩子们减压。在经历了一天的努力学习后,看电视能放松孩子们的身心,让他们摆脱那些学习上的挫折,并让他们的心态变得自信和积极。该看2: 看电视是一种很好的辅助式教育。它能告诉孩子们很多学校不会教授的知识,如生活技能,急救技能,理财技能等等。


  In the modern society, it has been a heated social issue in debate about the overwhelming popularity of TVs in our lives. Some people propose that children should be encouraged to watch TV. Personally, I partially agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be rendered as below. Admittedly, this contention is problematic to some extent, because it overlooks the potential risks TV sets bring to students. Firstly, the primary goal of children's life is studying, which is exclusive from the entertainment purpose of TV programs. In other words, fancy pictures and videos in TV, from an advertisement to a sporting spot, are a tremendous disturber that seriously distracts children from focusing on the teacher and textbooks. Therefore, by watching TV, students’ general interests



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