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中华考试网   2018-03-02   【


  题型2 话题分类:教育类 属性:一级重点


  制定课程靠政府还是老师The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers...

  制定课程靠政府还是老师The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. Do you agree or disagree?






  Who should shoulder the responsibilities of determining the contents of subjects of school education? The government or the preceptors? This issue has been a heated social issue in debate. Personally, I believe the combination of them might be the best solution, and reasons will be expounded as below. Firstly, the government should make efforts in popularization of basic education, which ensures every child can grow up into a regular citizen. For example, it is very wise that the central government forces every elementary school to teach some compulsory subjects like official languages and state’s laws, for the general knowledge can shape all children of new generations, especially the ones in remote or religious areas, into standard people with common languages skills to read news and data in media, as well as law-abiding consciousness to distinguish the right from the wrong. On the contrary, a single teacher is untruthful. In many cases, a local teacher in a religious region prefers instill


  大家喜欢探索家族历史的原因 In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families....

  大家喜欢探索家族历史的原因 In some parts of the world there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families. Why? Is this trend a positive or negative development?




  1. 探索家族历史的直接动因是,在一个全球移民潮的大背景下,越来越多的人会远离家乡,住在一个新的文化环境之下。举例,在美国的亚洲移民后代会感觉他们和社会主流人群不一样,这就催生了他们的好奇心,想搞清楚自己的家族起源和身世背景。 2. 这样的做法同时带来了好处和坏处。首先,这有利于人民搞清楚家族有没有遗传病,并尽早进行防备和治疗。第二,对于那些移民二代们,了解了自己的身世和来历有利于他们找回自我肯定。 3. 当然,这也有可能带来麻烦。举例,如果美国黑人一天过于痴迷祖先的历史,他们就会发现他们的前辈们被白人奴役和折磨的血泪史。这样一来,他们对于白人,甚至是整个社会的愤怒和敌意就会点燃,这就是俗称的种族主义。


  In the contemporary society, there is a tendency that more people have a desire to trace back their family history. Personally, I believe it is a natural response in an era of immigration, and its merits override the demerits. The main reason why people have a big motivation and curiosity in looking for the root of family is about the population movement in a deep globalization, which is called the thriving of immigration. For example, today, there are a large number of descendants of Asian migrators born and living in the America. In this society whose population mainly consists of white and black men, they gradually find that their physical characters like colors of skins, hairs and eyes are distinctive from their peers ar


  学理科的学生人数减少的原因 Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What're the reasons for this problem? W...

  学理科的学生人数减少的原因 Not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries. What're the reasons for this problem? What're the effects on the society?




  1. 原因如下:第一,第一是上学的成本。举例,理科的学费太贵,奖学金又太激烈,而且学生还需要购买电脑和相关软件,这对于很多学生而言无法负担。第二,难学也是阻碍学生选择理科的原因。举例,太多的抽象,复杂,隐晦的公式,远离,计算过程,让学生们产生严重的挫败感。还有,很多学生会在中途放弃学业,就是因为感觉无法通过高难度的期末考试。最后一点,就业困境。举例,科研为主的工作很不稳定,一旦出现经济下滑,公司亏损,项目取消,或是技术过时,那些工程师总是被裁员的第一目标。 2. 理科生人数下降会导致严重的社会问题。首先,公司和大学的很多科研项目将因为缺乏从业者而不得不停滞和取消。第二,各个机构和公司的管理会陷入混乱,因为它们无法雇佣到计算机专员来管理,维护和修复它们的电脑。第三,科研也会因为缺乏年轻人的加入而无法获得突破,因为老年人是缺乏创造力和质疑精神的。


  Nowadays, there are fewer applications of high school graduates for science subjects in universities and colleges. In this essay, I will explore possible reasons and impacts of this trend on the society. Many reasons can explain why the population of students majoring science is shrinking. Firstly, Scientific subjects cost too much, and computer science is a typical example. High tuition fees, extra investment in devices and software for studying, in conjunction with the fierce competition in fellowships, make this subject too expensive to be affordable to many youngsters. Secondly, compared with arts subjects, the knowledge of Math, Physics and Chemistry are publicly hard to learn, because they contain t


  学习历史的必要性 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the...

  学习历史的必要性 Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.




  1. 学习历史无用,因为历史上的信息过于抽象,过时,对于今天的生活没有意义。举例,它无法教会孩子们实用技能,关于计算机,互联网,银行业务,做饭,以及急救。换句话说,后面这些的相关课程应该优于历史课被考虑,因为它们帮助学生管理日常生活。 2. 然而,学习历史是非常有益的。首先,历史经验和教训教会学生正确的社会价值观,道德,以及法律意识。此外,历史上伟大的人物事迹能鼓励年轻人勇敢面对今天的挑战。 3. 此外,学习历史培养了孩子们对于传统文化的热爱。历史是传统的记录者,从食物到衣服,从建筑到艺术品,从社会风俗到宗教仪式。学习这些知识让孩子们获取独特的文化身份。


  These days, the passion of a fraction of people in studying history is declining, because they believe such knowledge is out of mode and impractical in modern society. In my view, this contention overlooks the irreplaceable values of learning history, and my reasons will be listed as below. Admittedly, the information in history is too theoretical, outmoded, abstract and purposeless to be applied in daily life of children. For example, no matter how proficient children are in remembering historical stories and people, they still have no idea about answers of how to use computer and the Internet, how to deal with banking business, or skills of cooking and first aids. Therefore, to this extent, it is reasonable to give the priority to those life-related subjects over history, because the form courses like computer, health care and economy are the main way of equipping ch


  音乐课和体育课的重要性 Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be useful in their future careers. Subjects such as music a...

  音乐课和体育课的重要性 Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be useful in their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  1. 主科的必要性:它们是孩子们整个教育生涯和职业生涯的基础。举例,数学课培养了孩子们基本的计算,分析和推导能力。它也为今后的各样大学专业,如计算机,工程,生物和化学提供了基础理论,公式,测试的模型等。 2. 但是,副科,如音乐和体育,绝对有存在的价值。首先,它们培养了孩子们的某些良好素质。举例,音乐课中的大合唱环节能培养孩子们的耐心,纪律性和适应性。同样,体育课中,孩子们会接受各种项目锻炼,如长跑,游泳,足球等,这培养了它们的体力,决心,信心,以及竞争精神和团队合作的意识。 3. 音乐课和体育课能帮助学生放松学习压力。举例,在繁重的学术学习,考试和各种任务之后,在音乐课上听一首歌曲,或是在体育课上玩耍下,都是很好的减压方式,恢复孩子们对于学习的热情。


  Currently, there is an argument that non-academic courses like music and sports should be cut off, because they have no serviceable values. Personally, this contention is indefensible and overpasses the positive impacts of these courses on the growth of children. My reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, in school education, academic courses should be given the priority over music and sports, because the former is practically more helpful and beneficial. For example, by studying math, a typical academic subject, a child can acquire basic skills of coping with numbers and calculation, as well as cultivate abilities of critical thinking and reasoning. That is to say, math plays a role of doorway for children’s further education, future career and daily life. In comparison, there are very limited pragmatic effects of non-academic subjects on children’s future employment. Obviously, no matter how well a student can play


  死记硬背的好坏 Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Does usefulness...

  死记硬背的好坏 Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Does usefulness this method of learning and its demerits.






  How to study in a more efficient way remains a heatedly debated issue. It is quite commonplace these days for students to learn by rote, which has been widely adopted by schools. However, I believe the demerits of this tendency override the merits. Repetitive studying methods would inevitably restrain students from developing their critical thinking skills. Such process will be associated with remembering vast amount of knowledge and doing similar questions frequently, which leaves no space for deep understanding or free thinking outside of the box. As time goes by, students may be less likely to think actively and may fail to deal with new questions that are beyond the course content. Particularly for subjects such as mathematics which is largely based on logica


  理论课VS实用课 Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more abo...

  理论课VS实用课 Some people think students should learn more practical courses like computer, but others think they should learn more about theoretical courses like geography and mathematics. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






  At the present time, the direction of university education has been a heated social issue in debate. Some believe its main target should be training students as technologically experienced people by teaching applicable lessons. Others, however, refute that theoretical courses should be the foundation of university. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and my reasons would be expounded as below. Admittedly, the importance of practical courses should never be ignored. In an information age driven by computer, basic knowledge and skills of operating computer and the Internet are universally required in most social jobs, and have been the pre-condition for job interviews. That is to say, the absence of computer teaching in school would trap graduates in the unemployment. Moreover, today, public services have fully shifted from brick-and-mortar buildings to the Internet, so it is mainly through learning


  博学VS精学Some people think students should learn all the school curricula, but others think they should focus on only one particular ...

  博学VS精学Some people think students should learn all the school curricula, but others think they should focus on only one particular subject that they like most. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






  It is undeniable that adolescents ought to concentrate on all school disciplines in order to give them a broad option of occupations to choose later in life. While I concur with the assertion, I believe engaging in only one domain that teenagers are adept at will be a blessing to the learner. This essay intends to explore some reasons. Most people think that it is necessary for student to learn and pass all subjects taught in school whether they like the subject or not. Often young teenagers are in the state of finding their own identity and interest. By learning all subjects in school, teenagers are exposed to different types of knowledge. For instance, biology will teach human body, geography will tell about environment, math will deal with number etc. Hence, by lear


  为什么男生偏好理科,女生偏好文科 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subject. W...

  为什么男生偏好理科,女生偏好文科 In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subject. What is the reason? Do you think this trend should be changed?




  1. 这个现象主要是基于一个社会对于性别的刻板印象,男女之间的思维模式有差别。举例,男性总是被认为在空间,数学和逻辑思维上有优势,而女性则在语言和记忆力上更出色。所以,他们都会选择那些符合自己优势的学科,这种选择能最大地发挥他们的才能,也容易有出色表现。 2. 这种选择肯定有问题。首先,肯定会有这种情况,有些男孩子在文科上有天赋,女孩子在理科上有天赋。如果他们还是按照世俗的观点来选择专业的话,他们的才能和天赋都会被浪费。


  In the modern society, the public has been concerned with a trend that young men prefer science and women favor liberal arts. As far as I am concerned, this tendency lies on an old recognition about so-called intelligent distinction between genders, and the society should take immediate action against the situation of gender imbalance in subjects of school. This phenomenon stems from a traditional social stereotype that there are huge differences between genders, in terms of intelligently cognitive abilities. In centuries, it has been widely acknowledged that males have natural advantages in space, math and logic abilities while females are born with the excellence in language and memorization. These public concepts gradually become


  厌学主因 Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why do you think this is happing?What can be ...

  厌学主因 Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why do you think this is happing?What can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people?




  1: 学校教育过于理论化,提供的知识太老旧,抽象,无法被适用于当前的社会工作。 2: 学习过于强调机械的记忆,而非去运用知识去建立和创造新东西。所以学习成为一个枯燥,艰苦的过程,带给学生挫败感。 3:学费太贵,大学教育迫使学生的家庭不得不花光积攒多年的辛苦存款,甚至是贷款来完成学业。然而,经济的不景气导致的就业岗位的减少让大量大学毕业生长期失业,所以他们会把大学教育职责为一种失败的投资。 4:学校的管理混乱。学校总是不断爆出负面新闻,校园暴力,不良烟酒主义的盛行,甚至是赌博和吸毒。在这样一个糟糕的环境下,学生总是被紧张,失望和危险所包围,自然地,对学校产生厌恶。


  In the contemporary society, the prevalent study-weariness among youngsters after school has concerned the entire community. Generally, the rationale behind this phenomenon has much to do with the faults related to contents, approaches, management and costs of school education, as well as certain external problems like social unemployment and temptation of entertainment. I will expound these possible reasons and offer proper resolutions for reversion. Firstly, the majority of main reasons of loathing learning result from a degraded school education, which troubles youngsters day by day. For one thing, called as ivory tower, a school, no matter high school or university, is always criticized for its on-class contents provided to students. The knowledge in the teaching plan is too old and outm



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