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中华考试网   2018-03-02   【


  题型1 话题分类:政府投资类 属性:一级重点


  教育资金是否只应该投给科学型项目 Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government ...

  教育资金是否只应该投给科学型项目 Money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people, therefore, think that financial support from government should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?




  1. 投资科学研究应该优于其他学科,因为新科技的发明和突破是我们今天社会前进的根本驱动力。举例,如果没有对医学方面的投资,则新的药品,疫苗,诊断技术,医学设备都不会诞生。同样的,给我们生活带来便利和舒适的家电,如冰箱,电视,洗衣机,也都来自长期地科学研究。 2. 然而,其他不那么实用的学科仍然有投资的必要。举例,数学,这个标准的理论性学科,是必须给予资金支持的,因为它是其他实用性学科的基础,如计算机,生物工程,化学等等。正是数学的突破给这些学科提供了新的理论,公式,数学模型和测试。 3. 此外,文学学科的重要性在于,它们把学生培养成了合格的社会公民。举例,通过学习历史和哲学,学生能学会基本的道德,民主和社会规范,以及对于本土文化的热爱


  Now, it is widely held that in terms of the confined scientific funding, the government should give priorities to research for "hard sciences" over "soft sciences". Personally, I think this assertion fails to grasp the values of these seemingly less fruitful subjects, and my reasons would be listed as below. Admittedly, there is a necessity for the government to keep the primary investment into scientific research, for whose breakthroughs can make practical contributions to our society. To begin with, with more financial aid from the government to be used in the medical research, human beings will profit much from it. Indeed, a new breed of medicine needs to be experimented many times prior to being introduced to and benefiting us. Without money, experiments are hard to be proceeded. In addition, it is obvious that funds used in technology may contribute to the improvement of our living standard. For instance, the inventions o


  高等教育的学费支付办法 Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs of higher education are paid by the government; all costs are pa...

  高等教育的学费支付办法 Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs of higher education are paid by the government; all costs are paid by the student; all costs are paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. What are the benefits of these ways and which one is the best?




  1. 第一种方案的好处:大学学费全部由政府承担能普及大学教育,这能让每一个年轻人都获取专业知识,技能,以及法律观念,最终能提高社会生产力,并且让社会变得更文明和守法。 2. 第二种方案的好处:大学学费完全由学生负担能限制大学的学生数量,这确保了大学教育的质量,比如说更少的师生比率,更小的班级上课,以及一个安静的校园。 3. 第三种方案的好处:提供学生学费贷款能为年轻人提供一条进入大学的途径。同时,还贷款的压力为这些年轻人提供了动力来努力学习。这样他们才能在毕业后找到好的工作来还钱。


  Who should shoulder the responsibility of paying for the higher education, the government or the student? Three possible ways for this social issue are proposed. Personally, I believe the best resolution is the third one that allows a student to borrow the loan from the government and repay it after graduation, and my reasons will be displayed as below. The main benefit from the first plan is about the improvement of qualities among the public. The full payment of government for schooling fees makes university education universally available to all individuals, both rich and poor. That is to say, every citizen can be well educated and equipped with professional knowledge, skills, advanced technologies, as well as the concepts about social laws, rules and morality. With these abilities and virtues, these graduates will enhance the social productivity, the creativity in jobs, and make the community gen


  富国该如何帮助穷国 Developing countries require help offered by international organization to ensure healthy and sustainable development. S...

  富国该如何帮助穷国 Developing countries require help offered by international organization to ensure healthy and sustainable development. Some people think that financial aid is important. Others believe that practical aid and advice is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




  1. 确保政府的运行,恢复银行业务以及对于企业的贷款。 2. 金钱是最灵活的援助,它能满足不同国家的一切需求,因为它能进行购买,而实际的援助很多情况下可能不是穷国所真正需要的。举例,给越南大米没有用,它不缺粮食,它的大米可以自给自足,甚至可以出口。经济援助的风险: 1. 缺乏监管,金钱可能被穷国的官僚贪污。 2. 会被用于打内战,这加剧了平穷。 3. 金钱无法买来一切,比如说各个行业的人才,教师,医生,还有各种相关的知识,技能和经验。


  What kinds of relief from rich countries should be given priority in terms of supporting developing countries? Some people think the best resolution of this issue is simply money. Others, however, refute that other auxiliary measures, instead of finance, are a wiser decision. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and the supporting reasons will be presented as below. Firstly, financial aids allow a poor country to build up an effective government by paying salaries of governmental personnel without delay. With stable income, most officials would be satisfied and motivated to be fully in charge of social technical, executive and supervisory positions, thus lifting the community out of street violence and crimes. Besides, financial injection helps to restore the banking system. Accordingly, what the capital input brings includes vibrant industry and business, ever-increasing job opportunities and tax revenue for public welfare. Another reason for support


  富国是否该帮助穷国 Rich countries provide financial aid to poor countries but this aid has little effect, therefore rich countries should p...

  富国是否该帮助穷国 Rich countries provide financial aid to poor countries but this aid has little effect, therefore rich countries should provide other types of help. To what extent do you agree with this statement?




  管自己的好处: 1. 国家的税收和资源都是基于国内大众,所以国家必须首先对国内问题负责,否则大众会认为遭到忽略和歧视,他们会推翻政府。 2. 国外问题太多,缺乏监管和法律,那些爱心捐款和物资有可能流入国外官僚的腰包,而没有起到救助国外穷人的初始目的。 3. 我们国内社会需要用钱的方面都已经太多,钱用自家都不够,捐助国外只会引起国内弱势群体的愤怒,增加社会犯罪类。管他人的好处: 1. 很多国外的社会问题都是过去我们国家的某些行动导致的,如战争和侵略,所以我们因该对国外的贫穷负责。 2. 很多国外的问题最终会影响到我们的社会,比如说索马里海盗对于西方海运的威胁。 3. 很多国际问题是不分国界的,比如说国外的环境污染和疾病会通过自然渠道流入我们国内。


  What kinds of relief from rich countries should be given priority in terms of supporting developing countries? Some people think the best resolution of this issue is simply money. Others, however, refute that other auxiliary measures, instead of finance, are a wiser decision. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view, and the supporting reasons will be presented as below. Firstly, financial aids allow a poor country to build up an effective government by paying salaries of governmental personnel without delay. With stable income, most officials would be satisfied and motivated to be fully in charge of social technical, executive and supervisory positions, thus lifting the community out of street violence and crimes. Besides, financial injection helps to restore the banking system. Accordingly, what the capital input brings includes vibrant industry and business, ever-increasing job opportunities and tax revenue for public welfare. Another reason for support


  老百姓是否该上税 People believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state. To what exte...

  老百姓是否该上税 People believe that they should be able to keep all the money they earn and should not pay tax to the state. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  不应该交税: 1. 交税像一种剥削,这会降低员工对于工作的热情。 2. 税收的使用不透明,会被贪污或者乱用,比如郭美美。 3. 税收使用的不公平,真正获益的是那些无所事事的人,如丐帮和罪犯们。这是强迫努力工作的人为一无是处的家伙们买单。应该交税: 1. 税收让政府能有序运转,这是社会管理的前提。 2. 税收确保了社会稳定,否则丐帮一旦造反,大家都活不了。 3. 税收促进了生活水平,比如说支撑了公交系统,学校,医院,运动场,公园等。


  In contemporary society, what we finally own is usually less than what we initially earn due to the tax payment. As long as we make money, a certain percentage of our incomes should be rendered to the government. People grumbling about this rule propose that the system should be abolished, with whom I could hardly share the same cup of tea. Admittedly, it seems to be a little unfair considering that we cannot own all the money we earn. However, for the benefit of an individual in the long term, paying tax is reasonable and w


  政府是否该为大众医疗买单 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the governmen...

  政府是否该为大众医疗买单 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.






  What is the obligation of the government on social medical services? Some people believe the government should completely substitute the private companies by running the health-care system by itself. Personally, I partially concur with this assertion, and my reasons would be listed as below. Firstly, a universal health service run by the tax revenue of the government can cover all social classes, both the rich and the poor, which represents the human rights of all social individuals, and which is the precondition of social fairness and stability. In contrast, privatization of medical care leads to polarization of medical services. Only the affluent people will be able to derive its benefits, while poor people with non-affordability would be aban


  慈善是应该只管国内,还是应该管管国外 Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. O...

  慈善是应该只管国内,还是应该管管国外 Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to those in greatest need, wherever they live. Other people believe that charity organizations should concentrate on the people in their own country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






  Charity organizations always play a pivotal role in helping people who live in sub-human conditions or impoverished countries. It is undeniable that charity organizations do a great deal for the less fortunate. However, people have mixed views about whether charity organizations should help their own country or other places. It is understandable that people from different backgrounds have disparate interpretations on the same issue. Firstly, there are main reasons approving of such cross-border charitable support .For one thing, it is based on humanitarianism that helps those who deserve to be assisted. That is to say everyone is equal to get the aid, regardless of their origin, race, and color. For another, these charitable activities can help to reduce the gap between rich and poor. Actua


  奥运会举办利弊 Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that ...

  奥运会举办利弊 Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that money on other areas.




  好处: 1. 能促进主办地的设施现代化。举例,为了伺候奥运会,大规模的交通设施,公路,铁路会被要求改建和更新,这为整个城市带来了更高效的交运系统。。 2. 绝佳的机会来展示和传播主办国的文化,消除文化差异带来的误解,这增加了国家间的尊敬和信任。 3. 点燃大众运动热情,通过促进运动改善大众体质。 4. 奥运会刺激了经济。它会吸纳数百万人的观光,这拉动了内需,也创造了就业。坏处: 1. 太烧钱,巨大的开销甚至会占用原本属于社会福利的税收,这降低了当地人的生活质量。 2. 很多场馆的用途过于单一和专业,奥运会之后它们不得不长期闲置,甚至被抛弃。 3. 安保工作一直是一大头疼事儿,举例,1972年的德国慕尼黑惨剧历历在目。


  As the NO.1 sports competition worldwide, the Olympic Games was held continuously in disparate regions in the past. Many people believe this sports tradition should remain, because of its positive impacts on the host country. However, others refute that it is unwise to spend the large amount of money on it. Personally, I am in favor of the former view, and my reasons will be expounded as below. The first reason for supporting the Olympic Games is that it provides opportunities for the modernization of social infrastructure for a host city, which can leave a lasting heritage for the whole community. For example, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games stimulated the update of transportation system, such as the doubled number of highways, higher extension of subways and accommodation of airports, as well as an integration of land and air traffic. Therefore, contributions to this city the great sporting event made



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