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中华考试网   2017-10-24   【


  文章题目 British Woodlands

  重复年份 20160430 20120421

  题材 自然环境

  题型 段落细节配对 7+选词填空 7

  文章大意 讲的是英国森林的演变利用和最后的管理,大致文章脉络是在人类的入侵之前英国的植被覆盖情况,工业革命之后,人们对森林的掠夺从以燃烧原料和建筑材料为目的到了以工业发展为目的,后来人们意识到保护森林的重要,开始投入人力物力进行保护。



  27 a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F

  28 details of landscape prior to human intervention B

  29 arguments against cash rewards H

  30 a botanical source of evidence for the appearance of primitive woodland B

  31 reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E

  32 a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G

  33 an implication for people of unhealthy tree A


  文章题目 Ancient Greek Coins

  重复年份 人文社科

  题材 20140118 20120510

  题型 判断+流程图+简答

  文章大意 古希腊钱币。介绍了硬币的制造过程,生产工艺及当时的时代背景。

  参考阅读: The history of Ancient Greek coinage can be divided (along with most other Greek art forms) into four periods, the Archaic, the Classical, the Hellenistic and the Roman. The Archaic period extends from the introduction of coinage to the Greek world during the 7th century BC until the Persian Wars in about 480 BC. The Classical period then began, and lasted until the conquests of Alexander the Great in about 330 BC, which began the Hellenistic period, extending until the Roman absorption of the Greek world in the 1st century BC. The Greek cities continued to ...

  文章题目 Paper money

  重复年份 20140927 20120412 20060429 20050115 20041127 20040522

  题材 发展史

  题型 段落信息配对题 5+多选题 2+判断题 6

  文章大意 介绍了纸币的发展史,纸币是如何从硬币发展成纸币的,以及历史上的一些制造方法和未来的趋势。


  第一段:古代人们是怎么交易的,提到了 Sumerian 人用 barter(物物交换)的方式交易.(此段

  有一道 T/F/NG 题,专考 barter 这个词)

  第二/三段:coin 的出现,coin 由重到轻,上面刻东西。

  第四段:纸币的出现,money paper。有提到宋朝的交子,怎么 print 的什么,没有很多考


  第五段:讲制造 money paper 的三个要素:ink, paper,和 engrave。这一段就讲 ink 提到

  ink fade,【后面有一道是非题关于这个的就是 5 选 2 的。问 money paper 的缺点是什

  么,有 economic problem,有 ink fade, paper produce cost, foreigner】

  第六段是讲 paper,怎么制造,有个人名,还有公司的名字

  第七段:讲 engraving 对纸币的重要性



  文章题目 An ancient city- Titris Hoyuk

  重复年份 20161022 20130829

  题材 考古

  题型 段落信息配对 5,填空 6,多选 2

  文章大意 本文主要介绍了 Titris Hoyuk 的城市规划以及建筑特点


  段落信息配对 5

  14. An introduction of the equipment applied by the archaeologists to excavate

  the site of itris. (D)

  15. An explanation of the simple access to the research on the Titris city. (C)

  16. An account of how agriculture communities turned into urban cities. (B)

  17. An indication of the Titris people used the houses more than residential purpose. (F)

  18. A mention of where loyal people lived. (A) 填空 6

  19. In the centre of the residential building is a courtyard. 20. A doorway gives access to the house where Titris lived.

  21. The number of cooking areas indicates that extended families lived in the house.

  22. Archaeologists thought oval basins which are part of the house are prepared for treating raw materials.

  23. The researchers believed that the people in Titris turned sheep's wool into fabric.

  24. The Titris people have a tomb at home which is uncommon in present-day buildings



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