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来源:中华考试网   2014-07-10   【


  Reasons for exercise in teens

  Less Physical Education

  A decrease in the amount of physical education time in schools contributes to less teen exercise. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 19 percent of teens in high school participate in a daily physical education class lasting at least 20 minutes. If PE class is the primary source of exercise for a teen, he does not get enough regular daily exercise, in some cases, teens are able to opt out of PE or are only required to take it during certain semesters, meaning he could go for long stretches of time without any exercise during the school year.


  Homes often have computers, TVs , video games and cell phones taht promote a sedentary lifestyle. Many teens use these forms of technology on a regular basis. Instead of walking to a friend’s house to talk, they call one another on the phone or chat online. Teens who spend long periods of time using one of these devices misses out on valuable exercise and fitness time.


  Like adults, teens often lack the motivation or desire to exercise, if physical fitness has not been a valued activity in the family, a teen is less likely to put forth the effort or find the motivation to exercise. If the teen is overweight or feels self-conscious about her physical abilities, she may also feel less motivated to exercise. Some teens in this situation feel embarrassed to exercise in public.


  Teens also need access to exercise equipment, sports teams or space to perform fitness routines. A lack of access makes it more difficult for the teen to exercise regularly. When access to physical fitness equipment or space is limited, helping your teen find creative ways to exercise is a way to overcome the barrier. Scheduling conflicts are also possible roadblocks for accessing the tools needed to stay physically active. If a teen has lots of homework, works a part-time job or carries much of the household responsibilities, he may find it difficult to make time for exercise.

  难度分析 由常考题型构成,话题比较常见,难度不大

  题型技巧分析 标题配对题是雅思阅读中的一种重要题型,要求给段落找小标题。它一班位于文章之前,由两部分组成:一部分是选项,另一部分是段落编号,要求给各个段落找到与它对应的选项,即表达了该段中心思想的选项,有时还会举一个例子(例子中的选项是不会作为答案的)。





