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来源:中华考试网   2013-03-13   【

       Mr Lagos broadly welcomes the student protests that broke out in Chile last year, after the Concertación left office. “These are the children of Chile's democracy, born after the fall of the dictator and raised in a country that has come to expect and demand responsive and responsible government,” he writes. But he doesn't say what he thinks of the student demand to abolish for-profit education. The reader is left wondering whether he might have done more when president to reduce income inequality through tax reform.

      去年争取民主联盟下野后,智利爆发了学生抗议活动,拉各斯明白地表示欢迎。他写道,“这些学生是智利民主的儿童,出生在独裁者下台之后,成长在期待并要求政府敏感负责的国家。”。 但他对学生要求废除以营利为目的的教育没有表示看法。 当总统要通过税制改革来减少收入不平衡,拉各斯是否可以做得更多?他把这个问题留给了读者猜疑。

    “The Southern Tiger” is occasionally marred by the breezy Americanisms of Mr Lagos's co-writers, journalists at Foreign Policy magazine. But between them they have produced a readable book about the consolidation of democracy in Latin America. The pity is that it could have been a much more profound one.

      拉各斯的合著者是《对外政策》杂志的记者,他们轻松活泼的美国风偶尔给《南虎》投下了败笔。不过他们与拉各斯通力合作,写出了一部有关拉丁美洲巩固民主的书,值得一读。 可惜的是,本来该书可以写得更深刻些。
