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来源:中华考试网   2014-11-18   【

二. Objects物品类 (22)

  1. 一次好的服务

  a good service you received from a company or business.


  2. 一次奖励 / 分享之物

  a prize you won in the past.


  something you have shared with others.


  3. 有用的一款应用

  an APP that you think is useful.


  4. 好的建议

  a good advice you received from others.


  5. 好的法律

  a good law in your country.


  6. 室内游戏

  an indoor game that you played when you were a child.


  7. 购买之物 / 第一个手机 / 攒钱购买之物

  your first mobile phone.


  something you bought but don't often use.


  something that you saved money to buy.


  8. 你的照片

  a time when a photo was taken for you.


  9. 喜欢的杂志 / 有用的网站 / 有趣的节目

  a magazine or newspaper that you like to read.


  a useful website that you like to visit.


  a radio or TV programme that you find interesting.


  10. 成功的广告

  an advertisement that you think is successful.


  11. 家中旧物 / 国产之物 / 你想赠予他人的手工艺品

  an antique or an old object in your family.


  something that is produced in your country.


  a handmade gift you would like to give to one of your friends.


  12. 厌恶的电影

  a film you didn't like.


  13. 好的习惯

  a good habit you want to develop.


  14. 有趣的谈话

  an interesting (and impressive) talk (or speech) that you heard.


  15. 想学的语言 / 有用的技能

  another language that you would learn if you wanted.


  a useful practical skill that you learned from a family member.

  (你为什么学习这个技能, 你如何学习的,遇到什么困难,为什么这个技能对你有用。)

  16. 重要的工作

  an important job in your country.


  17. 想吃的饭菜

  a meal (or dish) that you like to eat.

