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来源:中华考试网   2014-04-29   【

  What kind of music do you like?

  Should children learn about instruments?

  Museum / art gallery(武汉,济南,北京)

  Do you often visit the museum or art gallery?

  Do you think the school should organize student to visit museums?

  What is the function of museum and art gallery?



  What sports do you usually do?

  Are there any sports facilities for you to do sports near your living place?

  What benefits do sports bring to children?

  How do you keep healthy?

  Is it necessary for children to do exercise at school?


  Where do you family members go to swim?

  How important is swimming to people?

  Where do you usually go swimming?


  What did you do last summer?

  What do you like or dislike in summer holiday?


  How do you get news?

  Do you like watching news? Why?

  What kind of news do you like?

  Which section are you most interested it?

  What different sections do the old and the young choose?

  Do you think the elderly like news more than the young?


  How did you learn computer?

  *Letter / email(合肥)


  How do people celebrate birthdays in China?

  How do children and the elderly celebrate their birthday respectively?

  How did you celebrate your last birthday? 第二部分卡片提前


  Do you like parties? Why?

  Who would you like going party with?

  Who like parties more, the young or the old?

