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来源:中华考试网   2012-07-26   【


@smallrrrainbow-CH: Room603 part1:live in a house/apartment Have u back to your primary school?why? part 2:talk about a situation u had/have(忘了)to be polite . Part 3:be polite to parents as well as to strangers? Why have to be polite? Differences between polite&friendly

@呀呀呀呀呀土豆唐叔叔:中国农业大学,Room06,Part1: job, holiday, 忘了 Part2: Describe a vehicle you want to buy Part3: the advantage of bicycle, alcohol drive, which transport do you like best等等关于自行车和汽车比较的中 华 考 试 网

@Knight_Mahogany1803 苏州西交利物浦 room 365 一个灰发老头 PART 1 是healthy diet PART 2 是送给别人的礼物。。 PART 3 是关于送礼的一些问题。。【又是送礼题】

@陈小越GEMINI:杭州Room203,一个年轻的光头sir,表情帝啊!part1,apartment or house;part 2, wild animals; part3, do u like animals, pet keeping. 我去的时候他就在门口等了,出来也比人家早啊~~@雅思中国网

@觉觉_过雅思: 太原理工,RM6,考官是个光头的中年偏老的男的,眼镜架在鼻子上,叫David,人挺不错的。P2是童年的玩具。P3围绕玩具问了一堆,比如现在孩子玩什么,以前孩子玩什么,现在玩具好,还是以前玩具好,为什么,本来有个问题没问完,但是时间到了,考官就没问,口语求突破,口语求6啊

@秦始皇爱吃猪肉:湖北大学 rm14part1 name future job sport friend part2 gift part3 在什么场合送礼 小孩子给父母送什么礼 收礼和送礼是一样的吗【评:礼物题,不难】

722 深圳。1 flat or apartment, room you like, what do u like about it apartment; drawing( children and adults); sports. 2 A lake, river or sea you've traveled; water sports, water facilities( government and money). 3 Travel by water. @人人网雅思哥 rp 啊啊啊啊!

@赵正少:北语rm310 part1 photo/memory part2 help(who when where)part3 competition society/individual basis (今天 16:44)

@百变海盗-小林玲:苏州22号room395,年轻的男考官,和我们一个模样。part1.专业,工作… Part2.玩具 part3小时候流行的玩具,现在流行的玩具,父母在玩具上画很多钱吗?玩具培养能力等。感觉表现比上次好,上次是6分。期待~ (今天 16:05)

@囧小D:厦门rm501,part1 来自哪,晚上都干嘛;part2 meaningful buildings or memorial;part3 related to part2,young and old 对meaningful building or memorial的不同态度,喜欢old building还是modern building,why。。。考官人很nice,但是我考的很烂。。。 (今天 14:45)

@connie_要看书:攒人品咯!湖北大学,rm24,part1 where are u come from,what was the city like when u are a child. Part 2,electronic thing,it's use,why it is useful. Part3,technology used in teaching,and in your family. (今天 14:00)

@Ctrl徐七少:华师大 和蔼的老奶奶 专门放慢语速问 态度超好! Room509 name, major, future job,P2 a friend you have not seen a long time and want to see again, P3 nowadays searching old friend is more easy, why? how? important to have friends of different ages…最后这个问题我只说了一句话她就说tha (今天 13:42)

@beeZ:gz仲愷604,major,name,future job,what do you do in evening , with whom p2 describe a child. P3 what do child need, who is important for child, father or mother(differences?) advantage and disadvantage to have bro and sis. (今天 10:36)
