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来源:中华考试网   2012-02-23   【
版本7:墨尔本,口语,part1 hometown,weather.

  Part 2, different country u would like to go.

  Part3, compare pros& cons of national & international travel. Different country travel 对不同人的影响

  版本8:part 1 读过什么学校 最喜欢哪一个 家长有没有帮你选 什么专业 中国学这个专业的人多吗?

  part 2 考了两次同一个题目,a leader you admire

  Part 3 你想不想当个leader leader 应该具有的素质 为什么有些人想当有些人不想当 什么样的社会适合leader的产生为什么需要leader leader 应不应该 role model 为什么?

  版本9:part1 dance,连考两次都是这题,绝对高频,大家要好好准备,问题就是预测里的。

  part2是外国的music,when u listened to it, where and how you feel about it.


版本5:合肥 ROOM204

  版本11:苏州368口语1.40:part1 hometown travel mobile phone part2 3 advertisement

  版本12:Sydney UNSW-speaking-老太考官Angela Young-

  part 1 what is your home like in your country; which is your favourite room, and why; when is your favourite time of a day; what is the best time in aday to study; do you plan for the day?

  part 2 :a place you would like to visit in another country

  part 3 o people plan before the travel? where do they get information about the travel destination? how long would you think that one could be benefit from travelling? do you think understand the local language will improve your travelling experience?...偶再也不打算在unsw考啦~坑~

  版本13:首师大 room7 特好一老爷爷

  part1 学生or工作 人们交流的方式 traveling

  part2 真心的新题一次你收到钱作为礼物的经历

  part3 大人和小孩对钱的看法和不同的用途 钱跟幸福的关系
