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来源:中华考试网   2011-11-10   【

2. False



 例 1

 原文:A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies.


 题目:A species is said to be extinct when only one individual exists.



 例 2

 原文:It has been successfully used in the United States to provide input into resource exploitation decisions and assist wildlife managers and there is now enormous potential for using population viability to assist wildlife management in Australia's forests.


 题目:PVA has been used in Australia for many years.




 例 1

 原文:Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand. Subject to availability, stand by tickets can be purchased from the driver.


 题目:Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent.



 例 2

 原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the men's Nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or the former Soviet Union.


 题目:Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men's winter Olympics.




 例 1

 原文:But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized.


 题目:The Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized.



 例 2

 原文:Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs.


 题目:It is a fact that frogs' breeding cycles are upset by worldwide increases in temperature.


 解释:原文中有 theory,强调是“理论”。题目中有fact,强调是“事实”。所以答案应为为False。



 例 1

 原文:Frogs are sometimes poisonous.


 题目:Frogs are usually poisonous.



 例 2

 原文:Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, it is unlikely to find a good job.


 题目:It is impossible to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution.




 原文中包含条件状语,如if、unless或if not也可能是用介词短语表示条件状语如in,with,but for或exept for。题目中去掉了这些表示条件状语的成份。这时,答案应为False。

 例 1

 原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users.


 题目:The media has often criticized the Internet because it is dangerous.

 译文:媒体经常指责Internet ,因为它是危险的。

 解释:原文中有表示条件状语的介词短语in the hands of young computer users, 题目将其去掉了。所以答案应为 False。 
