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来源:中华考试网   2011-01-30   【

  {原创范例} Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, it is unlikely to find a good job.
  题目: It is impossible to get a good job without a qualification from a respected institution.
  解答:FALSE 原文和题目都出现了qualification(资质,这里指文凭),而a reputable school和a respected institution都指“名校”,所以考点必然在表示程度的副词上。
  {温馨提示} 以下情况都可归纳为副词使用的不一致:原文中使用many(很多)、sometimes(有时)及unlikely(不太可能)等词。而相应的题目中使用all(全部)、usually(通常)及always(总是)。
  {原创范例} Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are melting polar ice caps.
  题目:It is a fact that the melting of ice caps in both south and north poles are worsened by worldwide increase in temperature.
  解答:FALSE 对于同一件事,极地冰帽的融化(melting of polar ice caps)原文中是theory,强调是“理论”,而题目中为fact,强调是“事实”。所以答案应为FALSE。
  {温馨提示} 除了“theory”到“fact”的错误表达,在该种FALSE的情况下还会出现的语法结构有:原文为“data are absent”或“evidence is missing”,题目为“it is well-documented that…”。换汤不换药,请大家慧眼识别。
  FALSE的第五种情况:原文中包含条件状语,如if、unless或if not, 或使用介词短语来表示条件状语如but for或except for。题目中断然去掉了这些表示条件状语的成份。
  {原创范例} The Internet has often been criticized by the international society as a newly-emerging dangerous tool in the hands of terrorists.
  题目:The international society has often criticized the Internet because it is not safe.
  解答:FALSE 比较原文和题目,都提到Internet因为危险被国际社会(international society)所抨击(criticize)。但是原文中有表示条件状语的介词短语in the hands of terrorists,在题目中被去掉了。所以答案应为 FALSE。中华考试
  FALSE的所有5种情况我们就介绍到这里为止。阿甘把生活比作什锦巧克力,说过,“life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get”。但我觉得烤鸭们应理解为“If you take the sweetness first, one day you would be bitter from the sweet.”
  苦口良药(good for health, bitter for your mouth)。希望大家对学习持之以恒。
  国画大师齐白石有句话,艺术的最高点就在于“像与不像之间”。 A blurring line between truth and fantasy. 那么在雅思阅读判断题中TRUE和FALSE之间的是什么呢?这就是“臭名昭著”的NOT GIVEN,是剑桥雅思考试系统特有的,也是广大烤鸭们最易出错的一种判断类型。从本讲开始,请大家跟随进入NOT GIVEN的未知领域,通过3讲克服对NG的莫名恐惧。
  NOT GIVEN的第一种情况:题目中的某些内容在原文中没有提及,或在原文中找不到依据。
  {原创范例} I would suggest that foxes pose a greater problem, yet there is no passionate public campaign to oust foxes, presumably because it is obvious we can never eliminate the millions of wild foxes in Australia. Yet the same common sense thinking is not applied to cats. It is thought instead that, if everyone would only spay their cats, string bells around their necks and keep them in at night, cats would no longer kill wildlife. But what of the millions of feral cats in our deserts and woodlands? They are the bigger problem, but they are no more controllable than foxes or cane toads.
  题目:The author believes that all wild foxes should be killed.
  解答:NOT GIVEN 第一步我们通过定位词是wild foxes到原文中定位,定位到了第一句:I would suggest that foxes … in Australia. 第二步我们比较题目和文章原句的含义。题目的中文意思是:观点是应该杀死所有的野生狐狸。而原文句子的意思是:狐狸引起了更加严重的问题,但是公众却没有什么热情去开展活动驱逐狐狸,这大概是因为在澳洲要消灭所有的狐狸显然是不可能的。通过比较我们发现题目中的观点(消灭野生狐狸)在原文中无法印证,既无法肯定也无理由否定,所以是标准的NOT GIVEN。
  {温馨提示} 第一种类型的NOT GIVEN大约占NG类型的一半左右,但是烤鸭们要注意“原文没有提及”到底是“真的没有呢”还是“我没有找到”。所以推荐不妨判断题中觉得貌似NG时我们可以先做上标记,所有题型完成后(这时原文也已大致浏览完毕)我们再进行确认。
  NOT GIVEN的第二种情况:题目中涉及的范围小于原文涉及的范围。(原文涉及一个较大范围的范筹,而题目是一个具体概念。)
  {原创范例} Macquarie University endeavors to keep pace with the technology innovation by equipping the campus with computers accessing the Internet. Moreover, our computer clubs, whose number is constantly increased, provide printers with only a reasonable charge.
  题目:Our computer clubs offer color printers.
  解答:NOT GIVEN 题目中涉及的概念“color printers”比原文中涉及的概念“printers”要小。换句话说,计算机俱乐部提供打印机,但是是彩色还是黑白的,不知道或有可能,文章中没有给出进一步的信息,所以答案也为NOT GIVEN.
  {原创范例} Cyprus is the third largest Mediterranean island and one of the most popular tourist destinations, attracting over 2.4 million tourists per year. For its proximity to the Continent, tourists in Cyprus come mainly from Europe. A former British colony, it became an independent republic in 1960 and a member of the Commonwealth in 1961.
  题目:Most of tourists visiting Cyprus are from the UK.
  解答:NOT GIVEN 题目中涉及的概念“UK”比原文中涉及的概念“Europe”要小。原文第二句只说到塞浦路斯旅游的游客主要来自欧洲,有可能主要来自英国,也可能主要来自欧洲的其他国家,文章中没给出进一步的信息,所以答案亦为NOT GIVEN。
  {温馨提示} 为了节省时间我们完成习题时常缩写NOT GIVEN为NG,这也无可厚非,只要我们雅思考试填写答题纸时记得还原为全写就行。而我们常看到,雅思中确有的缩写NB (NB You may use any word more than once)代表什么呢?原来,N.B.=nota bene (=note well), 广泛用于英文网上社区,表示“需要特别注意”。
  时光流逝如“白驹过隙”(Time flies like a fleeting horse),年轻时过多的时间花在花前月下、耳鬓厮磨之间,得到的信誓旦旦的承诺往往也只是一个NOT GIVEN。所以请记住另一个motto:
  Beauty is ephemeral, but hard-learned knowledge is carved as marble.
  兵法有曰,“虚虚实实”(the true is mingled with the false)。兵法亦曰,“兵不厌诈”(all is fair in war)。
  雅思考场如战场,成者为王败者为寇(the winner takes all, losers standing small),冲锋陷阵的烤鸭们如何才能冲破T/F/NG的重重障碍,攻城拔寨后凯旋还乡?所以今天我们继续雅思判断题NG的第二讲,不求百战必胜(判断题一题不错),只愿大家不走回头路。
  NOT GIVEN的第三种情况:原文是某人的目标、目的、想法、愿望、保证、发誓等,而题目是事实。
  {原创范例} The new police chief vows to crack down on crimes with tough control and iron hands, learning from the mistake of his predecessor, a mild official who was generally criticized to over-sympathize with criminals by investing hard on the improved conditions of prisons.
  题目:The crime rate will be down in future.
  解答:NOT GIVEN 原文中说新任警察长发誓将用铁腕打击犯罪(crack down on crimes with ... and iron hand),但实际怎么样,不知道。也可能他违背了自己的誓言,可能情况太复杂。我们无法确定,但也没有理由说不可能。所以答案为NOT GIVEN。
  {温馨提示} 阅读中常用的此类动词还有:aim(目的)、purpose(打算)、promise(保证)、swear(立誓)及vow(发誓)、assure(担保)和guarantee(保证)等。
  NOT GIVEN的第四种情况:题目出现了比较级,而原文中没有比较。
  {原创范例} In Sydney, a vast array of ethnic and local restaurants can be found to suit all palates and pocket, which is tremendously different from the past when a full wallet was the sole guarantee to the possibility of tasting finest Australian cuisines.
  题目:There is now a greater variety of restaurants to choose from in Sydney than in the past.
  解答:NOT GIVEN 原文中提到了现在悉尼有各种各样的餐馆,虽然也提到了过去(different from the past when...),但只是告诉我们过去有钱才能吃好,并没有把 现在的餐馆种类(variety of restaurants)与过去相比,所以答案为NOT GIVEN。
  {原创范例} With the full implement of UN Resolution 1514 and hard-earned agreement from all interest groups, the political situation in Iraq is calm and balanced, with a multi-billion-dollar post-war reconstruction plan to be approved by legislators and a new presidential election in the countdown.
  题目:Iraqi political situation is more stable now than in the past.
  解答:NOT GIVEN 原文中提到在Iraq战后重建投资巨大(a multi-billion-dollar post-war reconstruction plan),大选也进入倒计时即将顺利展开(a new presidential election in the countdown)。所以它政治形势不是小好,是一片大好。但原文提到和过去政治形势的比较吗?压根没有,所以答案亦为NOT GIVEN。
  兵家圣经(bible of war)《孙子兵法》曰“风林火山”,四字箴言言简意赅,对我们雅思战场亦有指导意义。
  “其疾如风” 判断题中划出关键词要迅速,回到原文中定位要高效。
  “其徐如林” 一旦定位准确后,要认真阅读上下文,仔细比较原文和题目考点。
  “侵略如火” 矛盾之处要毫不留情一眼识破,决不能让判断题拖阅读总分后腿。
  “不动如山” 遇到可能是NG时要冷静,清醒分析是“原文真的没有?”还是“我暂时没找到?”
  “纸上谈兵”是兵家大忌(do not be an armchair strategist),还是让我们以后多加练习,熟能生巧。
