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来源:中华考试网   2010-09-15   【
 【时事聚焦】 世界卫生组织报告显示,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,儿童青少年肥胖率正逐年上升。全球儿童、青少年肥胖率明显增加,且各年龄组儿童体重均以0.2kg/年的幅度增张。在中国,随着人们生活水平的提高以及行为,生活方式和膳食结构的改变,儿童青少年肥胖率呈逐年增加趋势。请看以下某著名网站的一则相关报道:

  China's waistline grows with its economy

  TIANJIN, China - Even though he's now a young adult, Liang Yong finds that relatives still hand him yummy things to eat.

  "I am pampered by my parents and my grandparents," admits the 24- year-old Liang, the only male offspring of his family's clan. "They give me candies, meat and eggs."

  So, like growing numbers of Chinese youth, Liang is taking a stab at losing weight. A recent day found him on his back in an obesity clinic with acupuncture needles poking into his upper thigh.

  "It hurts a little bit," Liang said as acupuncturist Huang Wenjun twirled the needles in Liang's bulky thigh and lower trunk.

  Pound for pound, China still lags far behind the United States, where 64.5 percent of adults 20 and older are overweight. While comparisons are inexact, in China the numbers may be closer to 10 percent to 13 percent. But as their economy develops, Chinese tip the scales ever more. Urban residents are abandoning bicycles, eating rich diets, limiting exercise and pondering ways to slim down.

  China's weight-loss industry now tops $1.2 billion. Clinics peddle herbal medicines, "weight-loss" teas, acupuncture, massage programs and other techniques far different than in the West.

  In Beijing, the capital, students wolf down food like never before. The obesity rate among primary and middle school students has risen to 18 percent, from 10 percent in 1991, the state Xinhua news agency said recently, citing a survey by the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

  "Every year, the rate of obesity in China increases 10 percent," said Shi Lidong, chief executive of the Aimin Fat Reduction Hospital in Tianjin, a former British and French concession 75 miles southeast of Beijing.

  【热点话题】 根据上述报道,在中国,青少年的肥胖问题已经日趋严重,朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,这一话题对广大雅思考生备考雅思阅读也有一定的参考价值。随着经济的迅速发展,中国已成为世界上一大强国。这个国家中发生的变化自然也是世人关注的焦点所在。作为面向全球的雅思考试,当然也不会放过这么好的素材。况且雅思考试本身经常就会涉及医药或者健康相关的问题,特别是对中国的传统疗法颇感兴趣。因此,掌握这方面的内容对于雅思阅读来说意义深远。

  【难句词汇】 雅思考生的阅读难点之一就是词汇量和句型的掌握程度的不同,如果学生的词汇量不足,那么文章将看不懂,我们从上文中就可以学到很多的句型和词汇。

  So, like growing numbers of Chinese youth, Liang is taking a stab at losing weight.


  l Take a stab at 试图做某事

  l Lose weight 减肥

  A recent day found him on his back in an obesity clinic with acupuncture needles poking into his upper thigh.


  l Obesity 肥胖

  l Clinic 诊所

  l Acupuncture 针灸
