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来源:中华考试网   2010-09-07   【
 【热点话题】 从以上这篇报道中我们可以发现,富士康事件对雅思阅读考试也有一定的启发作用。雅思阅读文章很多都涉及到心理学和社会学,那么平时多多阅读积累相类似的文章有助于考生背景知识的积累。在英语,美国或者日本,自杀率都是非常高的,而且成为一种普遍现象,多阅读此类文章有助于考生备考相关社会类的话题。同时也有助于考生的阅读速度的提高。

  【难句词汇】 雅思考生的阅读难点之一就是词汇量和句型的掌握程度的不同,如果学生的词汇量不足,那么文章将看不懂,我们从上文中就可以学到很多的句型和词汇。

  ? A string of suicides at a factory in China owned by Taiwan firm Foxconn has highlighted what some say is a stressful working environment for migrant workers.


  l a string of suicides 一系列的自杀事件

  l highlight 突出(同义词:stress, emphasize)

  l migrant workers 民工

  ? Foxconn says it is employing trained counsellors and installing more leisure facilities at the factory in Shenzhen to help its staff, as well as increasing salaries to boost morale.


  l counsellors 咨询师

  l install 安装,布置

  l as well as 以及

  l boost morale 提升士气

  ? People who have worked at or visited the plant describe the working atmosphere which many have blamed for the suicides.


  l plant 工厂

  l working atmosphere 工作气氛

  l blame for 造成

  ? The deaths at Foxconn are being discussed by everyone here and people are keeping a macabre score of how many young people have leapt to their deaths.


  l keep a score of … 计算、计数

  l macabre 恐怖的,令人毛骨悚然的

  l leap to one’s death 跳楼自杀

  ? There is a suspicion being floated that some of the people who committed suicide, did it for money.


  l suspicion 猜疑,怀疑(同义词:doubt)

  l float 浮动,散播(同义词:spread)

  l committed suicide 自杀

  ? If one wanted to enter any of the manufacturing or training areas within the campus, there would be further checkpoints to be negotiated and additional passes issued.


  l manufacturing 制造的

  l checkpoint 检查站

  l negotiate 谈判

  l issue 发放

  从以上这些内容中我们学到了很多的表达方式和句型,这样一来对于雅思阅读的理解力和速度的提高有很大的帮助。而且从此文中我们也可以学到阅读文章的结构:文章的开头是Foxconn suicides: “Workers feel quite lonely”,然后是Anonymous Foxconn worker,最后是Anonymous former Foxconn employee。文章按照作者的自身观点,匿名现任员工和匿名前员工的观点把文章结构很清楚地展现在读者前面。

  在剑桥雅思真题也有相关类型的文章真题供考生阅读理解和训练题目:剑五Nature or Nurture;剑五儿童心理研究;剑六Bullying,以上三篇文章都是社会心理学类别的,考生可以精读加考题训练。

  【真题预测】 根据刚才关于富士康的原版文章,我们来练习一下雅思阅读的常考题型之一 — 是非无判断题:


  1 It is confirmed that people committed suicide in order to get money.

  2 The recreation centre is constructed for the engineers to use.

  3 The workers are lonely because they don’t want to talk to one another.
