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雅思美国口语教程:Daily Activities五

来源:中华考试网   2011-12-03   【

Lisa enjoys housekeeping and her husband also helps around the house. Lisa喜欢做家务,她先生也常常帮忙收拾房间。

sweep the floor 扫地

mop the floor 拖地

do the washing 洗衣服

weed the garden 除草

homework  家庭作业

housework 家务活

I have a lot of homework to do. 我有很多作业要做

Jerry often does his homework till midnight.  Jerry做作业常常做到半夜。

He stayed up studying. 一直熬夜学习

I am used to going to bed at around 11 and I fall fast asleep.  我习惯了十一点左右上床,并很快入睡。

be used to = be accustomed to        习惯于做某事

I’m used to going bed early. 我习惯早睡

I'm used to exercising in the morning. 我习惯做早操

go to bed = go to sleep 睡觉

fall fast asleep  睡的快

insomnia              失眠

toss and turn       辗转反侧

I’m a light sleeper. 睡的轻

I like reading magazines in my spare time.  我闲暇时喜欢读杂志。
