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雅思美国口语教程:Describing Objects四

来源:中华考试网   2011-11-29   【

I prefer kiwifruit to the apples. 相比苹果来说我更喜欢猕猴桃

prefer to do A rather than do B  

I prefer to walk rather than take a bus. 相比坐公共汽车我更喜欢走

Will you measure this door?  量量这扇门好吗?

    Measure v. 测量

Noboday can measure the depth of this lake. 没人能测出这个湖有多深

Can you measure the importance of the return of HongKong to the embrace of the motherland? 你能够估量出香港回归的重要性吗?

You can’t measure a student by his score. 你不能仅仅通过成绩来判断好坏

Will you measure this door?  量量这扇门好吗?

measure tape       卷尺

measure n.

take the measure of sb. 摸请某人的老底

reticent                沉默寡言的

measurement n.   度量衡

the metric system of measurement 公制度量法

measurable adj.    可衡量的

epidemic disease 流行性疾病

We find the loss is measurable. 我们发现损失可以估量

half measure        折中

What’s the half measure? 有什么折中办法吗?
