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来源:中华考试网   2011-11-22   【

It's a kind of soda. 是一种苏打水

What's cocktail? 什么是鸡尾酒

It's a mixed of alcoholic drink. 它是一种混合而成的酒精饮料

Pardon?  什么?

I’m a programmer.     我是程序员       


I beg your pardon.  如果没听清别人的话,常用pardon请对方解释。注意不要重复多次。

I work with computer and I made computer programs. 我用电脑工作来做程序

And people call me programmer. 所以人们叫我程序员

What did you buy yesterday?  你昨天买了什么  Well, I bought an cardigan.  我买了cardigan

Pardon? Cardigan? 什么?cardigan                 

Well, it’s a kind of sweater that opens at the front. 它是毛衫的一种,前面是开的。就是开衫

What is it?           It’s a CD.       What is the CD?

It is a kind of Cassette Disc that can store a lot of data information. 它是一种能存储很多数据信息的卡代碟机

Oh, this is a storing device.   Something like that. 应该是吧

What is Jiaozi?    饺子是什么
