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来源:中华考试网   2010-09-29   【
 Young people lack self-control. They may do what they enjoy excessively, such as internet games, drinking, watching too much TV or playing too much sports. We need someone to discipline them and help them plan their time. So in this sense, in-time criticism can prevent the young from squandering time. We only live in this world for an average of 75 years or so. If criticism can save you from wasting your time, it’s just as saving part of your life.

  Young people should get used to criticism in the early part of their life because, very likely, later in their life, say when they’re 30 or 40, there may still be criticism. If parents never criticize a kid, even when he or she has done something wrong, this is being over-protective. And the kid, consequently, will be spoiled by the over-indulgence from the parents. Is that really responsible for the kid’s development? When the kid becomes touchy at other’s criticism, then he may lose a lot of chances for progress. No one would dare approach him with the right advice, just because he’s too sensitive about it. The ability to accept criticism, as a good habit of self-improvement, should be formed when a person is still young. The benefit of it will go on increasing throughout his / her life.

  Criticism, as a reality-check, will make the young people more aware of the seriousness of their problems. And some youth may develop their potential rapidly under proper amount of criticism. They begin to take things seriously and take matters into their own hands. Under such a feeling, they begin to think, “How can I solve this problem more creatively.” And in the process, they may even hit a big idea. If I remember correctly, the founders of Youtube, were only trying to solve a little problem in their life—sharing videos among international students. And the result is a multi-billion dollar business belonging currently to the biggest search engine in the world, “Google”.

  Socrates once said, a life without self-reflection is a not worth living. Criticism is such a self-reflecting tool. It’s without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt beneficial to young people.
