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来源:中华考试网   2010-09-15   【

  15) Describe your favorite TV program。

  What is it? Which channel?

  When and where do you watch it?

  What kind of program it is? What’s it talk about and explain why you like it?

  16) Describe an important success in your life。

  When /where it is happen? What is it about?

  How do you make it?

  Why it is important for you?

  17) Describe a child you are familiar with。

  What’s his or her name? What is he or she look like?

  How old is he or she? What is his or her hobby?

  Explain why you like him/her?

  18) Describe your best friend。

  How you knew each other and how you became friends?

  How you spend time together?

  Explain why he/she is your best friend。

  19) Describe a toy you have。

  What it is?

  Who gave you?

  Why you like it?

  20) Describe your favorite park or garden。

  Where is it? How often do you go to?

  What kind of people like it?

  Why you like it?

  21) Describe an exciting period/trip in your life。

  When is it? What did you do during that time?

  Who are the friends you made in that time?

  Why do you think it is exciting?

  22) Describe a piece of equipment you think it is useful。

  What it is? Describe it。

  How it is used? Why do you think it is useful?

  You should state advantages and disadvantages of it。

  23) Describe a book/story you read before。

  What’s the book/story’s name? When did you read it?

  What does it talk about?

  What influence it brings to you?

  24) Describe a festival that is important in your country。

  What’s the name? When?

  How people celebrate it? What’s your feeling about this festival?

  What your families do at this festival? Explain what is special about it?

  25) Describe a normal commodity in Chinese family
