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来源:中华考试网   2010-09-10   【
 【热点话题】 作为一个大型食品生产企业,麦当劳出现这样的问题令人忧虑。但是,其迅速的危机反应速度及勇于承担责任的态度,导致其口碑和公信力并未受到很大影响。朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,此话题与雅思考试中corporate crime以及health and disease联系紧密。

  ? Corporate crime(企业的犯罪行为)

  在剑桥4的Test 2 Section 4中,讨论了Corporate Crime的话题,我们一起来了解一下相关的内容。

  l 何为Corporate Crime?如何区分Corporate Crime以及一般犯罪?

  Corporate crime is generally committed for companies. 其是为了公司利益而进行的犯罪。

  l Corporate Crime为何会长久被媒体及学术界忽视?

  三个原因:1、Corporate Crime通常非常复杂(complex),涉及很多的专业知识(specific knowledge);2、与传统的犯罪相比,Corporate Crime当中涉及更少的个人利益;3、许多Corporate Crime的受害者(victim)自身并为意识到。

  l Corporate Crime有何经济及社会成本?



  结合此次事件,我们不难看出,Corporate Crime的主要动机,无非是减少成本,增加企业的利润。当然,在出现危机之后,麦当劳作为全球知名企业,其危机处理(crisis management)很得当,第一时间发表声明,承担责任,全部召回(recall),并承诺退费(refund)。

  【背景常识】 “麦当劳召回史瑞克玻璃杯”这一事件的背后,是关于health and disease的基本常识。在此话题中,召回水杯的原因,是因为其中含有过量的重金属镉。那么镉对于人体有什么样的危害呢?我们一起来了解一下:

  Hazards of a heavy metal

  Cadmium is a soft, whitish metal that occurs naturally in soil. Most people get a microscopic dose of the heavy metal just by breathing and eating.

  Without direct exposure, however, people usually don't experience its nasty side: cancer, kidneys that leak vital protein, bones that spontaneously snap.

  Cadmium is particularly dangerous for children because growing bodies readily absorb substances, and cadmium accumulates in the kidneys for decades.

  "Just small amounts of chemicals may radically alter development," said Dr. Robert O. Wright, a professor at Harvard University's medical school and school of public health. Recent research by Wright found that as cadmium exposure increased, kids were more likely to report learning disabilities.

  【必杀词汇】 朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为,一旦雅思听力考到有关健康问题而引起的产品召回事件,以下词汇必然落入出题者的考察范围之内:

  l toxic 有毒的

  l cadmium 镉

  l recall召回

  l refund退款

  l promotional campaign 宣传活动

  l depict描绘

  l carcinogen致癌物质

  l exposure 暴露

  l bone softening 骨质疏松

  l kidney肾

  l leach过滤

  l pigment 颜料

  l microscopic dose of 微量的

  l leak 漏

  l protein 蛋白质

  l accumulate 累积

  l radically 彻底地,完全地

  l learning disabilities 学习障碍
