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中华考试网  2015-09-09  【


  Last November, Nick heard a disorder at a party. A group of people had __1__ outside, pointing at something floating in the Bay. As he ran to __2__, he soon saw what was wrong: Two kids in a boat were caught in the __3__ and being pulled out to sea.

  Tim and Jack had climbed into a boat anchored nearby and had rowed out to __4__ a football. Reaching beyond the calm waters, the __5__ fitted to the boat caught the wind and pulled it into open water. They tried to row back. But they were no __6__ for the wind and turned around in circles. Nick dashed to the farthest of land. The boat was already just a __7__ on the sea. He knew that the __8__ boat would soon be overtaken by the huge waves, and that it was 2 degrees. Nick jumped into the __9__ cold water. Every 90 yards, he raised his head to assess his __10__. At one point, he considered turning back before managing to yell to them, “Take down the umbrella!”

  Tim battled with the ropes holding the umbrella. Finally he loosened the ropes and __11__ the umbrella. Then Nick caught up, but soon waves crashed over the boat, which began to sink. Nick __12__ it would be faster to pull them toward the nearest bank. They __13__ wore life jackets, which Nick held in one hand, swimming __14__.“Are we there?” they asked repeatedly. “Yes,” Nick __15__ them each time. It was 30 minutes before they got to the bank and stayed as close as possible for __16__. Worn out, Nick had hardly arrived when he __17__.It was an hour later when he found himself in a hospital that he came to. Asked what it took him to make the __18__ move, he replied:

  It is __19__ to step out of the comfort zone. Being an onlooker is a cautious existence, but __20__ we should never be stuck in. Stand by or stand up.


  1.A.played B.gathered

  C.laughed D.cried

  答案:B 去年11月,尼克听说了在一个聚会上发生了骚乱。一群人“聚集”在外面,指着海湾中好像有什么东西在漂浮。gather“聚集”符合语境。

  2.A.investigate B.find

  C.ask D.join

  答案:A 当他跑过去“调查”时,他发现是一场误会:两个孩子坐着的船随着“浪”漂向了海里。investigate“调查”;find“找到,发现”;ask“问”;join“参加”。

  3.A.sands B.rain

  C.waves D.sun

  答案:C 见上题解析,wave“波浪”。

  4.A.kick B.borrow

  C.buy D.recover

  答案:D 提姆和杰克爬上了一艘停泊在附近的船,划了过去“找回”一个足球。recover“找回”;kick“踢”;borrow“借”;buy“买”。

  5.A.life jacket B.umbrella

  C.rope D.anchor

  答案:B 到达了平静的水面,安在船上的“伞”遇到了风,使船驶入了开阔的水面。umbrella“伞”符合语境。此处与10空后的umbrella照应。

  6.A.match B.strength

  C.power D.force

  答案:A 他们试着向回划,但是他们“抵不过”风力,在原地打转。no match for“抵不过,不是……的对手,比不过”。

  7.A.ball B.dot

  C.line D.light

  答案:B 尼克冲到了陆地最远的地方,海中的船此时已经变成了一个黑“点”。dot“点”符合语境。

  8.A.lost B.delicate

  C.old D.damaged

  答案:B 他知道这样“纤弱的”小船很快就会遇上海里的2级巨浪。delicate“纤弱的,易损的”符合语境。

  9.A.bitterly B.absolutely

  C.fairly D.helplessly

  答案:A 尼克跳入“刺骨的”海水里,每隔90码伸出头来看看自己的“位置”。bitterly cold“刺骨地寒冷”符合语境。

  10.A.progress B.weather

  C.strength D.energy

  答案:A 见上题解析。progress“进步,前进”符合语境。

  11.A.threw B.opened

  C.closed D.freed

  答案:D 最后他终于松开了绳子放下了伞。free“释放,使自由”符合语境。

  12.A.decided B.said

  C.declared D.recognized

  答案:A 随后尼克赶到了,但随后海浪打坏了船,船开始下沉。尼克“意识到”要尽快将他们托回岸边。decide“断定,决定”符合语境。

  13.A.awkwardly B.carefully

  C.slowly D.easily

  答案:A 他们“笨拙地”穿上救生衣,尼克一手拉着他们,“拼命地”划。awkwardly“笨拙地”符合语境。

  14.A.hopefully B.cautiously

  C.continuously D.desperately

  答案:D 见上题解析。desperately“绝望地,拼命地”符合语境。

  15.A.told B.comforted

  C.discouraged D.supported

  答案:B “我们安全了吗?”他们不停地问。“是的”尼克不停地“安抚”他们。comfort“安慰,安抚”符合语境。

  16.A.food B.pleasure

  C.warmth D.help

  答案:C 从冷得发抖的水中出来后,当然要靠近“温暖”。warmth“温暖,暖和”符合语境。

  17.A.passed out B.passed away

  C.passed off D.passed by

  答案:A 尼克筋疲力尽几乎昏厥过去。

  18.A.warm B.generous

  C.proud D.brave

  答案:D 当被问到是什么趋使他做出这种“英勇的”举动时,他回答道:遇到这种事,从安全舒适的地方站出来(不作旁观者)是很“难”的举动。

  19.A.easy B.tough

  C.interesting D.dull

  答案:B 见上题解析。tough“艰难的”符合语境。

  20.A.which B.that

  C.one D.it

  答案:C 作为旁观者是小心翼翼的,但是我们不应该陷入其中(成为一名旁观者)。而应该站出来、站起来。此处one指代前面的a cautious existence。
