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中华考试网  2015-11-18  【


  Facebook now has 1. 32 billion monthly active users, an increase of about 40 million from the previous quarter. Mobile usage continues to grow, with the social network now having 1. 07 billion monthly active users on mobile devices, up from 1. 01 billion in the previous quarter.

  With increased mobile usage, mobile advertising continues to make up a bigger share of Facebook’s revenue pie. Mobile ads accounted for 62 percent of the company’s $2. 7 billion in ad revenue for the quarter, up from a 59 percent share in the previous quarter and a 41 percent share during the same period last year. It’s a obvious change from Facebook’s early days as a public company, when the social network’s stock(股票)went down sharply because people were afraid it couldn’t convert its growing desktop business to mobile.

  Anna Stoehr, the oldest resident of Minnesota, signed up for Facebook just in time to get all those “happy birthday” wall posts when she turns 114 this weekend.

  However, there was a slight problem in the process: 1900, the actual year of her birth, wasn’t an option when she tried to fill out her profile(档案). So Stoehr shaved 15 years off her age and pretended to be a spry 99-year-old to join the social network, she told news station KARE 11 in Minneapolis. (The earliest birth year listed on Facebook profiles is 1905. )

  Stoehr’s interest in technology began when a Verizon sales rep, who sold a smartphone to her 85-year-old son, made friends with her. Since then, this man has been teaching her how to use the Internet. She even uses her iPad to FaceTime with people around the world. Though Stoehr has learned a lot from her tech-savvy(精通技术的)new friends, she’s quick to point out she has plenty to teach younger generations, too.

  【文章大意】如今, Facebook每月有13. 2亿活跃用户, 它甚至吸引了114岁的Anna Stoehr, 她是明尼苏达州最高龄的居民, 在她本周末114岁生日到来之际, 也完成了Facebook的注册。1. From Paragraph 1, we know ________ .

  A. mobile devices contribute to the quick development of Facebook

  B. Facebook is not so popular as it used to be

  C. Facebook is a social network only used on the Internet

  D. the users of Facebook are only young people


  2. The reason why Facebook’s stock once declined was that ________ .

  A. Facebook was not well organized

  B. Facebook was not well known

  C. people lacked confidence in it

  D. people had no interest in it【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句可知, 由于人们担心它不能从持续增长的桌面业务转向手机业务, 其股价大幅下跌。故选C。

  3. Why did Anna Stoehr change her age when signing up for Facebook?

  A. Because she wants to be younger.

  B. Because Facebook refuses users of over 100 years old.

  C. Because Facebook only offers service to young people.

  D. Because she is beyond the age limit in Facebook.

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段的The earliest birth year listed on Facebook profiles is 1905. 可知, 她超出了Facebook设定的年龄限制。故选D。

  4. Who has been teaching Anna Stoehr to learn how to use the Internet?

  A. Her 85-year-old son.

  B. A Verizon sales rep.

  C. One of Anna Stoehr’s online friends.

  D. One of Facebook’s clerks.

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第五段的内容可知, Stoehr对于科技(产品)的兴趣来源于Verizon的一个销售代表。当时这个销售代表把一部智能手机卖给了她85岁的儿子, 后来这位代表和Stoehr成了好友。自那以后, 销售代表教Stoehr如何使用互联网。故选B。

  5. According to the passage, we can know Anna Stoehr is ________ .

  A. crazy and abnormal

  B. optimistic and intelligent

  C. humorous and hardworking

  D. fashionable and knowledgeable

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章中对Anna Stoehr的描写, 可知她是一个追求时尚的、有见识的人。所以选D。

