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中华考试网  2015-11-17  【


  It was the summer of my freshman year of college. Instead of heading home for a nice long 1 , my friends and I had decided to 2 and take some extra courses. We had 3 the top floor of an old house to live in. My bed was 4 into a stuffy(闷热的)former laundry room and each night was a new 5 in humidity. Still, it felt 6 to be in my own place for the first time. After the first few weeks,  7 , the thrill faded and 8 set in. I found myself sitting alone each night 9 my home and my parents.

  My summer holidays had always been a 10 time. I spent hours playing basketball and swimming. I talked to my Mom while she tended her flowers. I 11 helping my Dad drag firewood for the winter. And every night I sat at a dinner table full of delicious food 12 with love while my family filled the room with the sound of sweet 13 . Now I found myself missing them 14 than ever.

  Finally when my 15 were at their lowest, I heard a 16 at the door. I opened it and was 17 to see my parents standing there with big smiles to fill my 18 heart and a box full of food to feed my hungry friends. We spent the afternoon eating,  19 on each other’s news, and just being together. It felt so good, and I felt so loved.

  Victor Hugo wrote that, “The supreme happiness of life is the 20 that one is loved; loved for oneself, or better yet, loved despite oneself. ”It was that gift of happiness that my parents gave me that afternoon and every day of my life.

  【文章大意】本文讲述了“我”在暑假里为了学习一些其他课程就和朋友租了房子, 不能回家了。第一次在自己租的房子里生活, 刚开始感到的是新鲜、兴奋。然而时间长了, 开始想家, 思念家人。就在“我”失落的时候, 父母的突然到来使“我”渴望爱的心得到了满足。

  1. A. journey  B. term  C. break  D. way

  【解析】选C。词语辨析题。句意: 大一暑假, 不再是急忙地赶回家去过一个长长的假期。break休息; a nice long break一次美好的长长的休息。journey旅行, 旅程; term学期; way方式, 方法。由下文可知, 是长长的假期, 故为C。

  2. A. leave B. stay C. relax D. travel

  【解析】选B。词语辨析题。假期不回家而是去学习一些其他课程, 可知应该是决定留下来。leave离开; relax放松; travel旅行; stay逗留, 待在(某地)。

  3. A. rented B. bought C. painted D. repaired

  【解析】选A。词语辨析题。句意: 我们租了一栋老房子的顶层来居住。rent租用; buy买; paint用颜料画, 在……上刷油漆; repair维修, 修理。

  4. A. made B. changed C. jammed D. hidden

  【解析】选C。词语辨析题。句意: 我的床被塞在了一个原来是洗衣房的闷热的房间里。这里说明条件艰苦, 也为后来的主人公心情愁闷埋下伏笔。make使得, 制作; change改变, 变化; jam堵塞, 卡住; hide隐藏, 躲藏。

  5. A. wish B. pleasure C. experiment D. adventure

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 每个晚上, 都是一个新的冒险(挑战)。wish愿望; pleasure快乐, 高兴的事儿; experiment实验, 试验; adventure冒险, 投机活动。

  6. A. exciting B. boring C. astonishing D. moving

  【解析】选A。词语辨析题。句意: 第一次在属于自己的天地里还是感觉有点儿兴奋的。exciting激动的, 兴奋的。

  7. A. anyway B. though C. therefore D. instead

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。句意: (刚开始感到兴奋)然而, 几个星期之后, 这种兴奋慢慢地退去。anyway无论如何, 不管怎样; though不过, 然而; therefore因此, 所以; instead代替, 相反。

  8. A. headache B. loneliness

  C. satisfaction D. homesickness

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 兴奋退去了, 想家就开始了。headache头痛, 令人头痛的事; loneliness寂寞, 孤独; satisfaction满意, 心满意足; homesickness乡愁, 想家。由上文中他和朋友在一起住, 所以loneliness是不符合文意的。由下文中想念家人可知应是homesickness。

  9. A. forgetting about B. relying on

  C. thinking of D. referring to

  【解析】选C。词语辨析题。句意: 每个晚上, 都会想家、想起父母。forget about忘记; rely on依赖, 依靠; think of想起, 想念; refer to参考, 涉及。

  10. A. special B. terrible C. specific D. difficult

  【解析】选A。词语辨析题。句意: 以往的暑假对我来说都是很特别的时间。special特别的, 专门的; terrible可怕的, 很糟的; specific专门的, 特定的; difficult困难的。

  11. A. gave up B. had trouble in

  C. put off D. took pride in【解析】选D。词语辨析题。句意: 在以往的暑假里, 我能够打篮球、游泳, 在妈妈照顾花时和妈妈聊天, 我更以能够帮爸爸准备冬天的柴火而骄傲。give up放弃; have trouble in做……有困难; put off推迟, 延期; take pride in以……为骄傲, 自豪。

  12. A. frozen B. prepared C. tasted D. kept

  【解析】选B。词语辨析题。句意: 每天晚上坐在餐桌旁, 上面放满了妈妈用爱去准备的可口的饭菜。frozen冰冻的, 冷酷的; prepared准备好的, 精制的; tasted尝起来的, 有味道的; kept保存起来的。

  13. A. laughter B. scream

  C. whistle D. sigh

  【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。句意: 全家人坐在房间里, 充满了甜蜜的笑声。laughter笑声; scream尖叫声, 尖锐刺耳的声音; whistle口哨, 汽笛; sigh叹息, 叹气。由文章中表现全家人幸福的场景可知应是笑声。

  14. A. less B. more C. worse D. better

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。句意: 现在, 我发现比以前更加想念他们了。这里要表示比以前更加, 故答案为B。

  15. A. minds B. dreams C. spirits D. thoughts

  【解析】选C。词语辨析题。句意: 当我的精神最低落的时候。mind思想, 头脑; dream梦想, 梦; spirit精神, 精髓; thought思想, 想法。

  16. A. kick B. hit C. crash D. knock

  【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。句意: 正当我情绪最低落的时候, 我听到了敲门声。kick踢; hit打击, 撞击; crash撞碎, 坠毁; knock敲打。

  17. A. disappointed B. surprised

  C. puzzled D. encouraged

  【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。句意: 我非常吃惊地看到我的父母站在了门口。disappointed失望的; surprised令人吃惊的; puzzled困惑的; encouraged鼓舞人心的。由父母的突然到来可知, 我应该是感觉很吃惊, 故答案为B。

  18. A. hungry B. open C. sick D. gentle

  【解析】选A。词语辨析题。句意: 父母面带大大的微笑站在门口, 这一幕充满了我渴望爱的内心……。hungry饥饿的, 渴望的; open打开的, 开放的; sick恶心的, 生病的; gentle温柔的, 优雅的。由下文可知: 一个人需要获得他人的爱。

  19. A. making up B. getting up

  C. catching up D. taking up

  【解析】选C。短语辨析题。句意: 整个下午和父母都待在一起。make up组成, 化妆; get up起床, 站立; catch up on sth. 了解(已发生的事情); take up拿起, 开始从事。

  20. A. sign B. chance C. secret D. belief

  【解析】选D。词语辨析题。句意: 维克多·雨果说过: “生活中最崇高的快乐就是那种被爱的信念……”sign迹象, 符号; chance机会; secret秘密; belief信念。

