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中华考试网  2015-11-08  【



  If you're in Florence, Italy, and see a man on a ladder wiping the dust off statues and buildings, don't worry. It's just Alessandro Ricci gathering material for his famous smog paintings.

  Ricci is not a common artist,because he used smog as the main medium of his artworks. Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent, he doesn 't really care about “being this big artist”. Instead he is more concerned about bringing attention to how much smog there really is in his home town and how it's destroying both its monuments and people.

  Although he did take a couple of art classes a few years back,he is mainly self­taught,doesn't work in a studio,donates most of his works,and refuses to play by the rules of the Florentine Art Gallery, which he considers corrupt. Alessandro Ricci believes selling his smog paintings will not only compromise his principles,but also contradict the very thing he's trying to do—raise awareness about smog pollution in this city.

  Alessandro lives with his parents nearby Florence, but almost every day he visits the streets of the city, and collects smog for his paintings. He gets it from several meters above ground,from clean surfaces like marble, plastic and stone, using damp pieces of cotton. Then he applies the smog directly onto a cloth and creates street scenes and reproductions of the very buildings from which he got the dangerous material. Finally, he seals his paintings with a natural resin (树脂).

  His actions helped win a small victory for the people of Florence, as in October 25,2012 the Duomo area of the city was made pedestrian­only. But there is still a long way to go,the artist believes, and only cleaning the thick layer of smog that has accumulated throughout Florence would take several years. Still, he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.


  1.What does the text mainly tell us?

  A.Florentine artist fights pollution by painting with smog.

  B.Ricci invents a unique way to paint buildings in Florence.

  C.People in Florence gather smog to create street scenes.

  D.Florence takes measures to improve the polluted city.

  答案:A 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段的总结和文章的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述了意大利弗罗伦萨市的一名艺术家通过用烟雾作画来抵制环境污染的故事,故答案A符合文意。

  2.In what way is Ricci quite different from other artists?

  A.He lacks talent in art works. B.He cares little about fame.

  C.He hates all the art Galleries.D.He likes to do things at will.

  答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的第二句“Unlike other painters seeking fast recognition of their talent, he doesn't really care about ‘being this big artist’.”可知,他并不在乎名气的大小。

  3.Ricci paints his unique smog artworks aiming to ________.

  A.fight government corruption B.advertise the monuments

  C.create more street scenesD.raise awareness about pollution

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“Still, he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.”可知,答案D符合文意。

  4.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

  A.The place where Ricci lives. B.The problem that Florence faces.

  C.The way Riccis paints with smog.D.The materials for his painting.

  答案:C 段落大意题。根据第四段的整体理解可知,本段主要讲的是这名艺术家是如何用烟雾作画的,答案C符合文意。A、B、D三项均不是第四段的主要内容。

  5.We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.

  A.Duomo area of Florence has become more crowded with traffic

  B.Ricci's action has brought no change to the people of Florence

  C.Ricci will continue to raise Florentine people's awareness about pollution

  D.Smog pollution in Florence will be completely settled in several years

  答案:C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的第二句“But there is still a long way to go...”和最后一句“Still, he continues to paint his unique smog artworks and let the people know how polluted the environment they live in really is.”可推知,这名艺术家Ricci将继续从事这项活动以唤醒人们保护环境的意识。
