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中华考试网  2017-04-10  【


(2016·兰州高三实战考试)Many students often say that they don't have “enough time” to do all their schoolwork.

My __1__ is often brief,“You have as much time as the president.” I usually carry on a bit about __2__ twenty­four hours in the day for everyone,and suggest that “not enough time” is not a(n) __3__ explanation of __4__something done.

__5__ in graduate school,I tried to prove to one of my professors __6__ saying that I was working hard.His answer to me was,“That's irrelevant (无关紧要的).__7__ is important is the __8__ of your work.” Since then I have had time to think carefully about the trick (诀窍) of“__9__”,and I have come to some __10__—all relevant to the problem of how much time we have.

If you analyze the matter,you can identify two parts of the problem: There is,__11__,the matter of “time”,which we can think of __12__.Then there is the problem of “work”during that time.But,as my professor suggested,it's not how hard one works __13__the quality of the product that's important.

That led me to a new idea: the quality of the work.That __14__ is perhaps best explained by a sign I once saw on the wall in someone's office: “Don't work harder.__15__.”There is a lot of sense in that idea.

If you can't get more time,and few of us can,the only solution is to improve the quality of the work.That means thinking of ways to get more out of __16__ time than we might otherwise get.That should lead us to an analysis of our work habits.Since “work” for students usually means “homework”,the expression “work habits” should be read as“ __17__ habits”.

Then,as a smart student,you will__18__those skills that you use in study,__19__reading and writing.If you learn to read better and write better,there are big benefits that __20__in all your studies.

1.A.question      B.idea

C.reply D.key

2.A.there being B.there are

C.there be D.there to be

3.A.strange B.acceptable

C.surprising D.demanding

4.A.no getting B.not getting

C.no letting D.not letting

5.A.Since then B.Just now

C.Ever D.Once

6.A.by B.in

C.on D.upon

7.A.That B.What

C.Whether D.If

8.A.quantity B.amount

C.number D.quality

9.A.hard worker B.honest student

C.busy president D.future graduate

10.A.constructions B.contributions

C.conclusions D.concentrations

11.A.of course B.in fact

C.as a result D.as a whole

12.A.if followed B.if fixed

C.as followed D.as fixed

13.A.so B.but

C.nor D.and

14.A.concept B.sense

C.explanation D.solution

15.A.Work smarter B.Work faster

C.Think twice D.Think aloud

16.A.a little B.the more

C.the less D.the same

17.A.living B.study

C.thinking D.sleeping

18.A.seek improving B.seek to improve

C.find improving D.find to improve

19.A.chiefly B.briefly

C.actually D.occasionally

20.A.are paid B.is paid

C.pays off D.pay off



1.C 解析:根据上文的内容可知,此处是对上文很多同学说没有足够的时间做功课这一问题的答复(reply)。

2.A 解析:介词后面应该用动名词,因此此处用there being的形式。

3.B 解析:每个人都是一天拥有24小时,因此“没有足够的时间”是一个不可接受的解释。strange“奇怪的”;acceptable“可接受的”;surprising“令人惊奇的”;demanding“苛求的,要求过高的”。

4.B 解析:此处介词后面应该用动名词,对动名词的否定其前应加not;此处是考查“get sth. done”的结构,因此选not getting。

5.D 解析:此处叙述的是过去发生的事情,因此选once“曾经”。since then“自从那之后”常与完成时的句子连用;just now“刚才”;ever“在任何时候”,常用于疑问句、否定句、比较结构或带if的句子中。

6.A 解析:by表示“通过,以”。

7.B 解析:重要的是你工作的质量。“__7__ is important”是一个主语从句,主语从句中缺少主语,因此此处用what引导从句。

8.D 解析:参见上题解析,此处应填quality“质量”。quantity“数量”;amount“数额,数量”;number“数字”。13空后的“quality”也是提示。

9.A 解析:根据上文教授的回答可知,此处是说“我”在思考勤奋工作的人的诀窍。hard worker“勤奋工作的人”,符合语境。

10.C 解析:根据破折号后的内容可知,“我”在思考后,得出了一些结论。construction“建造物”;contribution“贡献”;conclusion“结论”;concentration“集中,聚集”。

11.A 解析:根据上文提到的与时间相关可知,此处是说当然是时间的问题。of course“当然”;in fact“事实上”;as a result“结果”;as a whole“总的来说”。

12.D 解析:我们认为时间是固定的(fixed)。此处是think of...as...“认为……是……”。

13.B 解析:正像教授建议的那样,一个人工作多么努力并不重要,重要的是产品的质量。此处考查的是短语“not...but...”的结构,意为“不是……而是……”。

14.A 解析:根据上文的“我”的新想法可知,应选concept“观念,想法”。sense“意义”;explanation“解释”;solution“解决方法”。

15.A 解析:根据上文可知,“我”说的是不要苦干,而要巧干。work smarter“更加聪明地工作”,符合语境。

16.D 解析:那就意味着想办法从同样多的时间里得到更多。

17.B 解析:既然对于学生来说“工作”通常意味着“家庭作业”,那“工作习惯”就应该被理解为“学习习惯”。

18.B 解析:作为一个聪明的学生,你应该努力寻求方法来提高这些在学习上使用的技能。固定结构:seek to do sth.,符合语境。

19.A 解析:根据常识可知,在学习上的技能主要是阅读和书写。chiefly“主要地”;briefly“简要地”;actually“事实上”;occasionally“偶尔”。

20.D 解析:如果你学会了更好地阅读和书写,那么会有极大的好处来回报你学习的各个方面。短语pay off“回报”,符合语境;再根据定语从句的引导词that指代的先行词benefits可知,应选D项。



(2015·山东师大附中高三模拟)It is a common thing to forget to return a book to the library after you've borrowed it.Maybe,you'll realize it has been some 1.________(month) since you borrowed it and decide to return it.2.________(similar),when Ron Webster borrowed a book from the library of the University Of Liverpool,he too forgot to return it.When he was 30,back in 1953,he was working 3.________a research assistant in the university.It was during this time 4.________ he loaned a book titled “Structure and Function in Primitive Society”.Shortly after he borrowed this book,he 5.________(call) to London to continue his research.Just as you might have expected,Ron Webster completely forgot the whole thing.

Ron had a 6.________(success) career and worked for Ford before retiring and leading a relaxed life.Recently when he took 7.________look at his collection of books,he discovered the old book borrowed 61 years ago.He contacted University officials to tell about the 8.________(possible) of returning the book.

University Librarian was 9.________(amaze) to see Ron arrive at the University Of Liverpool,10.________(try) to return a book that he borrowed 61 years ago.

Just in case you were wondering,the total fine that Ron Webster had accumulated over the years amounted to £4,510.



1.months 解析:考查名词复数。month是一个可数名词,some修饰可数名词复数形式,所以month要变成复数形式,故填months。

2.Similarly 解析:考查副词。副词可以作为插入语,起转移话题、承上启下的作用,使语句间的衔接更紧密。前文在说一种常见的现象,下文开始就这种现象引出本文所要详述的事件,所以中间用副词进行过渡,故填Similarly。

3.as 解析:考查动词搭配。work as“以……身份而工作”,句意:他在大学以研究助理的身份而工作,前文有work,故填as。

4.that 解析:考查强调句。强调句句型:It is/was +被强调的部分+that (who) +句子的其他部分,前文有It was...,故填that。

5.was called 解析:考查被动语态。句意:在借了这本书不久之后,他被叫回伦敦继续从事他的研究。根据句意和所给的单词,可知横线上要填一个被动语态,故填was called。

6.successful 解析:考查形容词。给出的单词是一个名词,横线后的career是一个名词,显然横线上的词是要修饰career的,所以success要变为形容词来修饰名词,故填successful。

7.a 解析:考查固定搭配。take a look“看一下”,横线前后分别有took和look,故填a。

8.possibility 解析:考查名词。横线前有定冠词the,用来修饰名词,给出的单词是一个形容词,所以要将形容词变成名词,故填 possibility。

9.amazed 解析:考查形容词。给出的单词amaze是一个动词,但是be动词was后面不能直接接动词,所以将动词变成形容词比较符合语法规范,故填amazed。

10.trying 解析:考查非谓语动词。v.­ing在此是非谓语,作伴随状语,故填trying。








I used to feel I was the sun in my family.But while my cousin was born, everyone pays more attention to her.So I disliked her and couldn't get along well with her.As time went on, I realized what ridiculous I had been at that time.I tried to find a proper time to apologize.When my cousin's family came to my home a few day ago, I took my cousin to play outside.In the way to the playground, I had bought many snacks for her.Then we began chat.When we talked about their childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry” gently. She was silently, so I thought that she hadn't heard me clearly.But after while she said: “Don't say that.In my memory, you are always friendly.”


I used to feel I was the sun in my family. But my cousin was born, everyone more attention to her. So I disliked her and couldn't get along well with her. As time went on, I realized ridiculous I had been at that time. I tried to find a proper time to apologize. When my cousin's family came to my home a few ago, I took my cousin to play outside. the way to the playground, I had

bought many snacks for her. Then we began /. When we talked about childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry” gently. She was , so I thought that she hadn't heard me clearly. But after while she said:“Don't say that. In my memory, you are always friendly.”
