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中华考试网  2016-01-07  【




  Being surrounded by sharks may sound like a bad thing,but scientists say sharks are actually a good sign of ocean health.__1__ knowing that,Enric Sala,a marine ecologist and National Geographic Fellow,was a little __2__ when he first dived at Kingman Reef,the heart of a massive,newly __3__ area south of Hawaii now called the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument.

  “The __4__ time I jumped in the water,as soon as the bubbles __5__,my heartbeat doubled—there were a dozen sharks swimming around us and so __6__ corals on the bottom that there was not even __7__ for sand between them,” says Sala.

  Sala led a series of __8__ to the region's coral reefs over the past several years,__9__ part of his work at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla,Calif.His team's __10__ about sharks and corals there helped __11__ the U.S.government to set up the new monument,where fishing for sharks or anything else is now __12__.Groups around the world are working to __13__ other huge protected ocean areas in hopes of __14__ some of the planet's most incredible and important spots.

  President George W.Bush set up another new marine __15__,or protected area,__16__ the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument just before he __17__ office in January.The reserve __18__ waters around several groups of islands near Kingman Reef,__19__ is 1,000 miles south of Hawaii,and it covers 86,888 square miles.That's bigger than the size of Virginia and Tennessee __20__.


  marine ecologist海洋生态学家

  【语篇解读】 科学家们对海洋生物的发现促成美国建立了海洋生物保护区。保护区发挥了极大的作用,不仅有利于科学家的研究,更重要的是保护了一些稀有的种类,其他一些国家也纷纷效仿。

  1.A.Ever B.Even C.Without D.Instead of

  答案 B [联系下文“my heartbeat doubled”可知,“即使”知道鲨鱼是海洋健康的标志,Enric Sala也是有些紧张的。]

  2.A.excited B.happy C.nervous D.sad

  答案 C [联系到鲨鱼是凶猛的动物,在鲨鱼附近也是有些紧张的。A有一定的干扰性,excited的意思是“兴奋的”,不符合面临凶猛动物时的心情。]

  3.A.protected B.built C.surrounded D.founded

  答案 A [联系下文可知,“the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument”是一个保护区。]

  4.A.last B.early C.first D.good

  答案 C [联系下文的“my heartbeat doubled”可知,这是Sala第一次到洋底时的情况。]

  5.A.gathered B.appeared C.passed D.cleared

  答案 D [联系下文的“there were a dozen sharks swimming around us...”可知,这是气泡散尽后看到的景象,因此用cleared。]

  6.A.many B.few C.large D.frightening

  答案 A [联系下文的“there was not even __7__ for sand between them”可知,珊瑚很多。]

  7.A.water B.light C.space D.sight

  答案 C [因为鲨鱼和珊瑚很多,几乎没有容纳沙子的空间。]

  8.A.dives B.expeditions C.experiments D.discoveries

  答案 B [联系空后的“to the region's coral reefs”可知,他领导了几次去珊瑚礁的远征。]

  9.A.as B.with C.like D.under

  答案 A [这些远征作为他工作的一部分。]

  10.A.findings B.information C.research D.cares

  答案 A [联系空后的“about sharks and corals”可知,他们对鲨鱼和珊瑚有了一些发现。C有一定的干扰性,research意为“研究”。]

  11.A.force B. inspire C.beg D.allow

  答案 B [在那里的发现敦促政府建立保护区。]

  12.A.permitted B.limited C.forbidden D.measured

  答案 C [因为这里是保护区,因此捕杀鲨鱼和其他动物是禁止的。] 13.A.set out B.start out C.set off D.set up

  答案 D [联系空后的“huge protected ocean areas”可知,是建立保护区。set out意为“开始,着手”;start out意为“开始”; sef off意为“出发”。] 14.A.making B.saving C.building D.seeing

  答案 B [建立保护区是希望挽救一些重要的地方。]

  15.A.reserve B.spot C.area D.space

  答案 A [联系空后的“or protected area”可得答案。]

  16.A.called B.named C.told D.given

  答案 A [“the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument”是保护区的名字,因此用called。]

  17.A.took B.left C.controlled D.lost

  答案 B [布什总统在一月份离开白宫前建立了这个保护区。联系空前的“before”和空后的“in January”可得答案。]

  18.A.excludes B.covers C.includes D.makes答案 C [联系空后的“waters around several groups of islands”可知,保护区包含几个岛的水域。]

  19.A.it B.which C.where D.that

  答案 B [which引导了非限定性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。]

  20.A.separated B.combined C.divided D.connected

  答案 B [联系空前的“bigger than the size”可知,这个保护区比Virginia和Tennessee两个加起来还要大。]
