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中华考试网  2018-05-25  【

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Most consumers know that chewing gum can help ease life's everyday stress and reduce bad breath.Does chewing gum have more to __41__ us than that? It sure does! __42__ chewing gum is not allowed in most schools,in a few years they might consider changing that __43__.Why?

  Chewing gum after a meal __44__ makes your mouth produce more saliva,a liquid that washes away damaging bacteria.And now,because of xylitol (木糖醇),which __45__ to fight tooth decay (蛀牙) chewing gum may even protect your teeth.

  Chewing gum can __46__make you reduce calorie intake.Researchers from the Mayo Clinic __47__this! Chewing sugar-free gum 100 times a minute for 12 minutes can __48__ 70 kilocalories an hour.

  Chewing gum might also help your brain __49__better.A recent study found that chewing gum increases blood flow to the __50__ by as much as 40 percent.More blood __51__ more oxygen,and oxygen is like fuel for your brain.Your memories even __52__ when you chew gum.Studies show that people do better on memory tests while chewing gum.

  Doctors are now __53__ considering using gum __54__ pills to deliver medicine.The inside of our cheeks actually absorbs some substances (物质) more __55__ than our stomachs can.So gum may be the best __56__when it is important to absorb __57__fast.In 2006,Danish scientists found that an allergy (过敏症) medicine in gum __58__more of its allergy-fighting substances than the same medicine in a pill.

  Studies seem to show that gum could improve our __59__and brain function.But you should still __60__that chewing gum in class can be considered rude.

  【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了嚼口香糖的诸多益处。

  41.A.teach B.affect C.control D.offer

  答案 D [根据上一句中的help ease life's everyday stress and reduce bad breath及下文介绍嚼口香糖的其他益处可知,这里对嚼口香糖是否还能给我们“提供(offer)”更多的好处提出疑问。]

  42.A.Because B.Although

  C.If D.When

  答案 B [“大多数学校不允许学生嚼口香糖”和“他们可能会在以后的几年考虑作出改变”之间为转折关系,故填Although。]

  43.A.rule B.habit C.sign D.form

  答案 A [本句中的chewing gum is not allowed in most schools是一项“规定(rule)”。]

  44.A.nearly B.actually

  C.finally D.suddenly

  答案 B [嚼口香糖“的的确确(actually)”可以使你的口腔内分泌更多的唾液。]

  45.A.fails B.waits C.helps D.plans

  答案 C [根据本句中的chewing gum may even protect your teeth可知,木糖醇“有助于(helps)”防止蛀牙。]

  46.A.also B.once C.again D.only

  答案 A [上两段介绍了嚼口香糖可以缓解压力、减少口臭以及防止蛀牙的好处,该空后的make you reduce calorie intake是嚼口香糖的“又(also)”一个好处。]

  47.A.doubted B.supposed

  C.experienced D.proved

  答案 D [根据下一句中列举的数据可知,这得到了相关研究人员的“证实(proved)”。]

  48.A.count B.prevent

  C.burn off D.take in

  答案 C [根据该段首句中的reduce calorie intake可知,burn off符合此处语境。]

  49.A.look B.work C.know D.grow

  答案 B [根据下文中的increases blood flow,more oxygen及本段最后一句可知,嚼口香糖还可促使大脑更好地“运转(work)”。]

  50.A.heart B.body C.face D.brain

  答案 D [根据上一句中的help your brain可知,此处指增加流向“大脑(brain)”的血流量。]

  51.A.means B.shows C.finds D.wants

  答案 A [根据常识可知,更多的血液“意味着(means)”更多的氧气。]

  52.A.return B.change

  C.improve D.remain

  答案 C [根据下一句中的people do better on memory tests while chewing gum可知,嚼口香糖有助于“提高(improve)”一个人的记忆力。]

  53.A.just B.still C.soon D.even

  答案 D

  54.A.except for B.instead of

  C.in case of D.by means of

  答案 B [根据下文将our cheeks和our stomachs进行对比可知,医生现在“甚至(even)”开始考虑用口香糖“代替(instead of)”药片当载体运送药物。]

  55.A.quickly B.completely

  C.naturally D.difficultly

  答案 A

  56.A.reason B.method

  C.guide D.evidence

  答案 B

  57.A.oxygen B.blood

  C.medicine D.food

  答案 C [根据57空后的fast可知,脸颊比胃能更“快地(quickly)”吸收某些物质,因此当需要快速吸收“药物(medicine)”的时候,或许口香糖是最好的“办法(method)”。]

  58.A.delivered B.produced

  C.contained D.absorbed

  答案 A [根据该段第一句中的deliver medicine可知,这里指以口香糖为载体的某一过敏药比以药片为载体能“运送(delivered)”更多的抗过敏物质。]

  59.A.performance B.safety

  C.ability D.health

  答案 D [根据上文中的protect your teeth,reduce calorie intake等可知,口香糖对我们的“健康(health)”有益。]

  60.A.believe B.warn

  C.remember D.advise

  答案 C [尽管本文谈到嚼口香糖的诸多益处,但你也要“记住(remember)”在课堂上嚼口香糖很不礼貌。]
