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中华考试网  2015-03-11  【



  What would a world without ads look like?It's pretty simple because no ads means:__16__newspapers,no magazines,no private__17__stations,no TV channels but the one financed by the__18__,no major worldwide sport events...I don't even dare to think about all the unemployed and the talents we would__19__:photographers,film­makers,actors,all the ones working in the__20__of the entertainment industry in general...What a__21__world it would be!Thank you all!

  We would all be__22__to death traveling underground if it wasn't for the nice pictures on the walls at every stop!__23__take them away!

  Money spent on__24__means much more than itself.It serves directly to__25__a rapid distribution(流通)of goods at reasonable prices.By drawing attention to__26__ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of__27__.By helping to increase demands it ensures an increased need for__28__,and is therefore an effective way to fight__29__.It lowers the costs of many services:__30__advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much,and travel by bus or underground cost 20 percent more.

  And perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a guarantee of__31__value in the products and services you buy.It might fool some people for a little while through__32__.It will not do so for long,for mercifully(幸运地)the public has the good__33__not to buy the inferior(劣等的)article__34__once.If you see an article consistently advertised,it is the surest__35__I know that the article does what is claimed for it,and that it represents good value.Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.

  【语篇解读】 这是一篇议论文。广告无处不在,无时不有。没有广告的世界是什么样的世界?广告可以降低许多产品的成本,广告通过吸引世人对新观念的注意而极大地提高了人们的生活水平,广告更是抗衡失业的有效途径。

  16.A.the B.no C.any D.all

  解析 考查句子结构。从句子结构来看,都是否定含义,应选B。

  答案 B

  17.A.radio B.gas C.police D.railway

  解析 考查生活常识。与TV相对应的是radio,故选A。

  答案 A

  18.A.state B.country

  C.nation D.station

  解析 考查词义辨析。句意为“电视除了政府投资的频道外没有其他频道”。state强调“政府”;country侧重于“疆土”;nation侧重于“民族,国家”。

  答案 A

  19.A.get B.employ C.dismiss D.miss

  解析 考查语境选词。由“我简直不敢想象的失业大军”可知选D。miss“失去”。

  答案 D

  20.A.shade B.dark

  C.shadow D.front

  解析 考查同义词辨析。此处指“娱乐业的幕后人才”。shade“阴凉”;dark“黑暗”;shadow“阴影”,可喻为“幕后”;front“前面”。

  答案 C

  21.A.bad B.terrible C.beautiful D.boring

  解析 考查主旨把握。此句作者说的是反话。

  答案 C

  22.A.interested B.bored

  C.happy D.sentenced

  解析 考查逻辑推理。此句是虚拟语气,意为“如果没有站台上的漂亮图画,我们坐地铁旅行时会闷得要死”,故选B。

  答案 B

  23.A.Do B.Hardly C.Please D.Don't

  解析 考查归纳概括。根据上句句意可知此处讲的是“不要取缔(广告)”,故选D。

  答案 D

  24.A.advertising B.shopping

  C.traveling D.housing

  解析 考查主旨把握。根据本文主题应选A。

  答案 A

  25.A.prevent B.stop C.assist D.forbid

  解析 考查上下联系。根据后文提示“it helps enormously to...”和“By helping to increase...”可知,应选help的同义词(assist),故选C。

  答案 C

  26.A.old B.new C.practical D.big

  解析 考查语境选词。句意为“广告通过吸引世人对新观念的注意而极大地提高了人们的生活水平”。“big idea(高见)”常作反语,故选B。

  答案 B

  27.A.living B.material life

  C.cultural life D.society

  解析 考查词义辨析。A项为“生活水平”;B项为“物质生活水平”;C项为“文化生活水平”;D项为“社会准则”。结合语境可知A最恰当。

  答案 A

  28.A.work B.life C.money D.labor

  解析 考查语境选词。句意为“它增加了需求,从而需要更多的劳动力,因此广告是抗衡失业的有效途径”。故选D(labor)劳动力。

  答案 D

  29.A.employment B.unemployment

  C.career D.out of job

  解析 考查逻辑推理。参考上题的答案与解析,选B。

  答案 B

  30.A.for B.in spite of

  C.with D.without

  解析 考查语法结构。without表虚拟条件。

  答案 D

  31.A.reasonable B.actual

  C.current D.economic

  解析 考查语境选词。第三段的“goods at reasonable prices”有提示。B“实际价值”;C“现行价值”;D“经济价值”。

  答案 A

  32.A.misprinting B.misleading

  C.misreading D.misunderstanding

  解析 考查词义辨析。它有时也许会因为误导而愚弄了一部分人,故选B。

  答案 B

  33.A.taste B.ability C.sense D.feeling

  解析 考查语境选词。句意为“公众具有良好的判断力,不会再次去购买相同的劣质产品”,故选C。

  答案 C

  34.A.less than B.at most

  C.more than D.only

  解析 考查语境选词。参考上题的答案与解析。

  答案 C

  35.A.value B.waste C.fact D.proof

  解析 考查语境选词。句意为“如果看到一件商品的广告不断出现,我就认为这是最确凿的证据——表明该产品的广告是名副其实的,它的确是品质上乘”。

  答案 D
