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中华考试网  2014-12-11  【


    [1]Every year,many people offer to find remains of lost societies and communities.These efforts take place across the world.For example,Forest Service experts and volunteers are working in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California.They are looking for information about prehistoric and historic settlements of native Californians.

  [2]This kind of work interests theological (神学的) researcher Steven Ortiz of the Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth,Texas.Every other year,he leads an archeological dig in Israel.The dig is at Tel Gezer,halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.Professor Ortiz directs the activities at Tel Gezer with Samuel Wolff,an Israeli archeologist.

  [3]The experts,students and volunteers are hoping to learn more about the ancient city of Gezer.The city is linked to King Solomon,who appears in the holy writings of Judaism,Christianity and Islam.Volunteers must pay for their transportation and children may take part if they are with a parent.

  [4]Volunteers will face______________.The work takes time,patience and often,muscle strength.The ground may be hard and the sun may be hot.

  [5]For some,Steven Ortiz said the dig is a religious pilgrimage (朝圣之旅).But there are a number of other reasons.Some just value ancient history,and they want to be a part of uncovering it.Ortiz said,“I think we attract people who think they want a cross­cultural experience.They want to do something meaningful.They want to get their hands dirty.And they want to have a fun experience touring a foreign country.”

  [6]Volunteering for the archeological dig provides all those things,and more.“You are helping science.You are helping history.But on the weekends,you get to have fun,and you get to travel the country and see sights you do not normally see.”

  1.Why do Forest Service experts and volunteers work in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California?(no more than 14 words)


  2.In what situation can children be allowed to take part in the dig in Israel?(no more than 6 words)


  3.Fill in the blank in Para.4 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)


  4.What is mainly talked about in Para.5?(no more than 12 words)


  5.What benefits can volunteers get from the archeological dig according to Para.6?(no more than 14 words)

