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来源:考试网  [ 2018年4月9日 ]  【


  Part I Use of Language (10 points)

  1-5 BDCAC 6-10 BCADA

  Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

  11-15 BDCAB 16-20 ABDCA 21-25 CADAA 26-30 BCBDA

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (25 points)

  31-35 ACDAB 36-40 DCBAD 41-45 DBDCC 46-50 BADBC 51-55 ABDAC

  Part IV Translation (10 points)


  Part VI Writing (15 points)

  Online Learning or Offline Learning

  In this day and age, online learning has become a popular method for students to obtain knowledge and pursue their degree. And with the ever-increasing use of computers in peoples’ lives, some people suggest that online learning will replace traditional learning in the classroom.

  No one will deny that online learning helps improve learning efficiency for it is convenient compared to traditional classroom learning. With the internet, you can start your learning anytime and anywhere. You will not miss any class since the instruction on the interne is available all the time. However, learning is a process of interaction. Through group discussion or seminar, students can share different ideas. Moreover, by face-to-face teaching, you can also improve your communication skills and ensure the accuracy of your answers.

  In my opinion, both online learning and offline learning have their benefits and drawbacks. And what people need to do is just making a balance between these two ways of learning so as to make a full use of them. In fact no one can replace another successfully.

  (175 words)

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