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来源:考试网  [ 2018年3月26日 ]  【


  1 Inquiries the condition of the patients may be made personally or by telephone

  A affecting b following c revealing d concerning

  2 that may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.

  A so clever the construction robots b such clever construction robots are c so clever are the construction robots d such construction robots are clever

  3 the student’s today is to write a book report

  A association b assignment c attendance d responsibility

  4 the speech ,a lively discussion started.

  A having been delivered b being delivered c be delivered d was delivered

  5 this is a argument

  A convinced b convincing c inconvincible d convince

  6 the officials in the at London airport were very polite.

  A customs b custom c customs d custom

  7 the escaped prisoner waited until of night before leaving his hiding place.

  A dark b deep c depth d dead

  8 he has a voice so that everyone can hear very clearly

  A aloud b loudly c loud d aloudly

  9 what time do you usually in the morning?

  A get up b get on c get over d get through

  10 we were for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late

  A put back b broke down c held up d kept off

  11 this is the problem you should pay attention

  A on which b at which c which d to which

  12 mary was going to a wedding so she brushed well

  A her hairs b the hair c the hairs d her hair

  13 you will need the things a pen, a notebook and a ruler.

  A after b following c under d below

  14 I know noting about it what I have read in the papers

  A expect b except c besides d beside

  15 not until you work is finished

  a can’t you leave b you can leave c can you leave d you can’t leave

  16 he is given answers that only his confusion

  A come up b add to c come with d add with

  17 The escaped prisoner waited until of night before leaving his hiding place.

  A depth B dead C dark D deep

  He never to read the news but turned at once to the crossword on the last page

  A pained B troubled C worried D noticed

  18 Did he say anything about how the work

  A was to be done B to do C was to do D to be done

  19 he did not feel going out as she had a slight headache

  A for B about C like D after

  20 The speech a lively discussion started

  A was delivered B having been delivered C being delivered D be delivered

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