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来源:考试网  [ 2017年6月14日 ]  【

  Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thing of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialists' advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog. But in part the decision depends on common sense. Different dogs were originally developed to perform specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose the one that has the right size and characteristics. You must also be ready to devote a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs through out its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and so are satisfactory with their place where it is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its love from its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

  1. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

  A. You can always get help from the specialists.

  B. It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.

  C. You should decide what kind of dog you want.

  D. Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.

  参考答案:B 考点:这是一道判断理解题,可用排除法。


  2. What is mentioned as a consideration in buying a dog?

  A. The color of the dog.

  B. The price of the dog.

  C. Whether the dog will fit the environment.

  D. Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.

  参考答案:C 考点:这是一道细节题,可用排除法。


  3. Why does the writer say a dog is a more demanding pet than a car?

  A. It must be trained so that it won't bite.

  B. It demands more food and space.

  C. It needs more love and care.

  D. It must be looked after carefully.

  参考答案: C 考点:这是一道理解题。

  解析:从这句话:a dog is loyal to master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. 我们可知,狗比猫更需用爱护和照顾。所以,C是正确答案。

  4. Why is it advised to buy a baby dog under three months old?

  A. It's easier to buy a baby dog under three months old.

  B. They are less likely to be shy with human beings.

  C. They are less likely to run away.

  D. It's esier for them to form a relationship with their masters.

  参考答案:D 考点:这是一道理解题。


  5. The word "affection" means _____ .

  A. love

  B. effect

  C. tie

  D. relationship

  参考答案:A 考点:这是一道词汇题。


  Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops, and factories are discovering the greater efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the "typical" Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago. He gains in creature comforts and ease of life.What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality.

  Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is a world symbol of the technological society and its consumer products. The so-called Americanization of France has its critics. They fear that "assembly-life" will lead to the disappearance of the pleasures of the more graceful and leisurely (but less productive) old French style. What will happen, they ask, to taste the elegance, and the cultivation of the good things in life—to joy in the smell of a freshly picked apple,a stroll(散步)by the river,or just happy hours of conversation in a local cafe?

  Since the late 1950's life in France has indeed taken on qualities of rush, tension, and the pursuit of material gain. Some of the strongest critics of the new way of life are the young, especially university students. They are concerned with the future, and they fear that France is threatened by the triumph of this competitive, goods-oriented culture. Occasionally, they have reacted against the trend with considerable violence.

  In spite of the critics, however, countless Frenchmen are committed to keeping France in the forefront of the modern economic world. They find that the present life brings more rewards, conveniences,and pleasures than that of the past. They believe that a modem,industrial France is preferable to the old.

  6.Which of the following is Not related to the new French way of life?

  A. Shorter lunch hour.

  B. Greater output.

  C. Creature comforts.

  D. Leisurely cafe talk.



  7.Which of the following is NOT true about Frenchmen?

  A. Many of them prefer the modern life style.

  B. They actually enjoy working at the assembly line.

  C. They are more concerned with money than before.

  D. They are more competitive than the older generation.



  8.The passage suggests that _____.

  A. in pursuing material gains the French are suffering losses elsewhere

  B. it's now unlikely to see a Frenchman enjoying a stroll by the river

  C. the French are fed up with the smell of freshly picked apples

  D. great changes have occurred in the life style of all Frenchmen



  9.Which of the following is true about the critics?

  A. Critics are greater in number than people enjoying the new way of life.

  B. Student critics are greater in number than critics in other fields.

  C. Student critics have, on occasion, resorted to violent means against the trend.

  D. Critics are concerned solely with the present and not the future.



  10.Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?

  A. Changes in French way of life.

  B. Criticism of the new life style.

  C. The Americanization of France.

  D. Features of the new way of life.


  详解:答案A.文章主要是讲述法国生活方式的变化,作者的态度是客观的,没有对这种变化发表个人看法,没有带任何主观色彩。因此A项为正确答案。 Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today's standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by.

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