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来源:考试网  [ 2014年10月25日 ]  【

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

  Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

  36. It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that _________ in their lives that is the main focus of social psychology.

  A. occur B. refer

  C. infer D. imply

  37. Should John resign and Henry ________ him, we would have a more powerful leadership.

  A. conquer B. control

  C. manage D. succeed

  38. People of ________ backgrounds now fly to distant places for pleasure, business or education.

  A. distant B. diverse

  C. further D. separate

  39. ________ swept through the swimmers as they caught sight of a huge shark approaching them.

  A. Picnic B. Clinic

  C. Panic D. Specific

  40. If you are a member of a club, you must ________ to the rules of that club.

  A. access B. apply

  C. confirm D. conform

  41. _________ answering the question, the manager shrugged his shoulders as if it were not important.

  A. In case of B. In the place of

  C. Instead of D. In front of

  42. The young man asked his parents not to worry because he was full of ________ about his career.

  A. pessimism B. optimism

  C. desperation D. frustration

  43. On hearing of the case, Conan Doyle was _________ that the man was innocent and immediately went to work to ascertain the truth.

  A. convinced B. conceived

  C. relieved D. dismayed

  44. The century-old ________ between the two tribes eventually terminated through the persistent efforts of the local government.

  A. feasibilities B. possibilities

  C. hospitalities D. hostilities

  45. The leaders of the two countries are planning their ________ meeting with a pledge to maintain and develop good ties.

  A. summit B. high

  C. top D. superior

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