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来源:考试网  [ 2020年2月13日 ]  【


  1.A 先行词the cloth带到从句中构成句子the coat is made of the cloth, be made of 由……制造,是物理变化,把of提到关系代词前。

  2.D 先行词the subject带到从句中构成we are going to turn to the subject.turn (one's eyes / attention) to sb./ sth.意思为“把脸转向……或把注意力转向……”。如:She turned to me and gave me a big smile.She turned to her mother for help。

  3.B 先行词the small town带到从句中构成he grew up in the small town, 先行词在从句中作地点状语,引导词用where/ in which。

  4.C 先行词the day带到从句中构成we spent the day together in London, the day作 spend的宾语,用that/ which,可以省略。

  5.C 先行词the pen 带回定语从句中构成she writes letters with the pen, 因此用 with which。

  6.A 先行词the direction带到从句中构成he would run in the direction, direction(方向)前用介词in。

  7.B 表示以……速度用介词at, 先行词 speed在从句中为a rocket travels at the speed。

  8.D 先行词the market带到从句中为the market sells vegetables and fruits., 在从句中作主语。

  9.B 先行词the city带到从句中构成I like to visit the city most.the city作visit的宾语,并注意语序。

  10.D 先行词the sitting-room带到从句中构成my mother and I used to sit in the sitting-room in the evening.注意: 第一个in是作地点状语,第二个in是时间状语,击破定式,以为题中的in是接the sitting-room.实际上是in the evening

  11.D 从句中短语是turn to sb.for help,因此加介词to。

  12.C 从句中visit缺宾语,关系代词作宾语,可以省略。

  13.B tell me about the man给我讲述那个人的事。

  14.C 从句中I was taken care of during/ in the hours.引导词作时间状语。

  15.A 还原为陈述句This is the reason…, 把先行词the reason带到从句中为he explained the reason at the meeting.引导词作宾语,可以省略。

  16.D 第一部分是 “Red Star” is the best one of the several storybooks.因此用of which, 第二部分先行词有the best形容词最高级修饰,关系代词用that,作宾语可以省略。

  17.B 先行词the very bike带到从句中he is going to take a sightseeing on the bike, 故用on which, 击破定式by bike, bike前不能加冠词。

  18.D the name of the man, the man作介词of的宾语,介词后不能用who。

  19.A 先行词the hill带到从句中people can see the beautiful scenes miles around from the hill。

  20.D 从句为we get heat and light from the sun。

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