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来源:考试网  [ 2019年2月2日 ]  【

  assage Three

  After the violent earthquake that shook Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had news to report: The damage and death toll could have been much worse.

  More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25 ,000 victims.

  Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a. m. on a holiday, when traffic was light on the city’s highways. In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city ’ s buildings and highways, making them more resistant to quakes.

  Despite the good news, civil engineers aren’t resting on their successes. Pinned to their drawing boards are blueprints for improved quake - resistant buildings. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.

  In the past, making structures quake - resistant meant firm yet flexible materials, such as steel and wood, that bend without breaking. Later, people tried to lift a building off its foundation, and insert rubber and steel between the building and its foundation to reduce the impact of ground vibrations. The most recent designs give buildings brains as well as concrete and steel supports. Called smart buildings, the structures respond like living organisms to an earthquake’s vibrations. When the ground shakes and the building tips forward, the computer would force the building to shift in the opposite direction.

  The new smart structures could be very expensive to build. However, they would save many lives and would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.

  59. One reason why the loss of lives in the Los Angeles earthquake was comparatively low was that ______.

  A) new computers had been installed in the buildings

  B) it occurred in the residential areas rather than on the highways

  C) large numbers of Los Angeles residents had gone for a holiday

  D) improvements had been made in the construction of buildings and highways

  60. The function of the computer mentioned in the passage is to ______.

  A) counterbalance an earthquake’s action on the building

  B) predict the coming of an earthquake with accuracy

  C) help strengthen the foundation of the building

  D) measure the impact of an earthquake’ s vibrations

  61. It can be inferred from the passage that in minimizing the damage caused by earthquakes attention should be focused on ______.

  A) the increasing use of rubber and steel in capital construction

  B) the development of flexible building materials

  C) the reduction of the impact of ground vibrations

  D) early forecasts of earthquakes

  62. The main purpose of this passage is mostly to______.

  A) compare the consequences of the earthquakes that occurred in the U. S.

  B) encourage civil engineers to make extensive use of computers

  C) outline the history of the development of quake - resistant building materials

  D) report new developments in constructing quake - resistant building

  Section B

  Directions; Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer with a single line through the centre.

63. 首先,他如此努力工作并非只为了钱,他一心为了教育青年人并设法激励他们在各方面取得进步。

A) The desire to keep the respect of a good name propelled me to become the first in our family to go to college.

64. 要保持好名声多赢得的那份尊重,这一渴求促使我成为全家第一个上大学的人。

B) Shielding children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their development.

65. 我们必须唤醒人们认识到环境保护的重要性。否则,就为时太晚了。

C) We must waken people to the importance of environmental protection. Or it will be too late.


D) To start with, it is not only money that he works so hard. He is committed to educating the young and tries to motivate them to get ahead in life.


A)The only thing neighbor have in common to begin with is proximity, and unless something more develops, that isn’t reason enough to be best friends.


B)As I look back, it's clear that he had deliberately kept all of that hidden from us to avoid spoiling our fun.


C)Though grateful for gentle employment, he didn’t really see who had a gift for writing should necessarily be able to teach.

70. 一开始,邻居们唯一的公共点就是住得近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最好的朋友。

D)For a shy man, his gregarious generosity of spirit was remarkable.

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