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来源:考试网  [ 2019年1月17日 ]  【

  Passage Three

  How can we get rid of garbage? Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. (83)They suggest using garbage as an energy source, and at the same time it can save the land to hold garbage.

  For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fuel to use. The things do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels. As we use up our fossil fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source.

  Buring garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been buring garbage for years. The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Pairs, France, some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the city's garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by buring almost a half million barrels of oil.

  But there are problems in using garbage as a fuel. Garbage that burns easily , such as food scraps (碎屑) and paper, must be separated from metals, glass, and other materials that do not burn easily. This separation process is normally costly. Another problem is that burning garbage can pollute the air.

  Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. Buring garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs. This method could also reduce the amount of garbage piling up on the earth.

  41. What two problems can man solve by burning problem?

  A. The shortage of energy and air pollution

  B. The shortage of energy and the land to hold garbage.

  C. Air pollution and the shortage of fossil fuels.

  D. Air pollution and the shortage of the land to hold garbage.

  42. Which of the following is NOT the result of burning garbage?

  A. The garbage burned is turned into fossil fuels.

  B. The heat produced is used to boil water.

  C. The steam produced is used to make electricity.

  D. The steam produced is used to heat buildings.

  43. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

  A. About 2 million metric tons of garbage is burned in France each year.

  B. In the modern society, more and more garbage is produced each year.

  C. Using garbage is a good way to solve the problem of energy shortage.

  D. Burning garbage is an old idea.

  44. According to the passage, which of the following four groups of garbage is ready for burning?

  A. Food scraps and metals B. Paper and glass

  C. Metals and glass D. Food scraps and paper

  45. What is the general tone of the passage?

  A. Optimistic B. Indifferent C. Promoting D. Anxious

  Passage Four

  H5N1 avian influence, known commonly as bird flu, has killed at least 15 people across Asia and was confirmed in China on January 27. No human cases have been found in the mainland, but 13 of the country's 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities (直辖市) have reported the disease in poultry.

  The Chinese government has taken measures to prevent and control the disease. Poultry within 3 km of infected farms is to be killed and those within 5 km to receive vaccines (疫苗). (84)Meanwhile , there will be constant monitoring and daily reports on the disease across the country, and increased production of bird flu vaccines.

  Among the Asian countries and regions affected by bird flue in animals, only Vietnam and Thailand have reported human cases. The people infected were reported to have caught the disease from poultry, while the World Health Organization (WHO) said there is "no proof of human-to-human transmission(传播)" of bird flue.

  (85)The big fear is that the disease could combine with a human influenza virus to create a deadly new disease that will kill millions of people across the globe. Many Asian farmers live closely with their animals and sell live chickens in the market. This greatly increases the possibility of human beings infected with bird flu.

  A spokesman of the WHO said that Asian countries affected by bird flu should introduce a more healthy way of raising and selling chickens. And the people there have to complexly change their lifestyle and attitude towards animals. Here are some safety measures for people to stay healthy;

  ² Keep fit and well through regular exercise;

  ² Avoid infected poultry and infected people;

  ² Avoid eating raw or under-done poultry and eggs;

  ² Make sure there is always fresh air in your home;

  ² Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing;

  ² Wash your hands frequently;

  56. What does the word "poultry "in the passage mean?

  A. Wild birds B. Wild animals

  C. Home-raised birds D. Home-raised animals

  57. From the passage, we can learn that .

  A. infected poultry within 3 km was killed in China.

  B. Bird flu case was confirmed in China on Jan,27.

  C. Human cases were found 13Asian countries

  D. Over two thirds of China has been infected with bird flu

  58. What do people fear most?

  A. Poultry will infect many people

  B. The disease can spread quickly among people

  C. There will be human-to-human transmission

  D. A new disease combining bird flu and human flu will break out

  59. One of the right ways for us to avoid bird flu is .

  A. To kill all the poultry

  B. To eat no more chickens

  C. To form a healthy habit

  D. To keep separated from others

  60. Which must be wrong for the Asians to change their lifestyle?

  A. Farmers should avoid selling live poultry in the market

  B. Farmers should vaccinate their poultry regularly

  C. Farmers should live more closely with their poultry.

  D. People should avoid buying live poultry in the market.

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