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  Passage Two

  Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

  Last summer, Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole announced a new rule: Unless states representing two-thirds of the country’s population pass compulsory (强制性的) seat-belt-use laws by April 1989, all new vehicles will have to be fitted with air bags or automatic seat belts.

  The rule wouldn’t have been necessary but for one simple fact. Even though seat belts could prevent nearly half of the deaths in fatal car accidents, 85 percent of the population simply won’t wear them.

  Why not? Behavioral engineers have found that there are all sorts of reasons—usually unstated. These are some of the most popular. It’s safer to be thrown from a car man trapped. According to E. Scott Geller, that’s a faulty argument. “In fact”, he says, “being thrown from a car is twenty-five times more dangerous than being trapped”.

  It won’t happen to me; I’m a good driver. But what about the other person who may be a terrible driver? The data show that the average incidence (发生率) for all accidents in one per driver every 10 years.

  My car will end up underwater or on fire, and I won’t be able to get out. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), only 0.5 percent of all injury-producing accidents occur under these conditions. “If you’re wearing a belt, you’ve got a better chance of being conscious and not having your legs broken—distinct advantages in getting out of a dangerous situation”.

  I’m only going a few blocks. Yet 80 percent of accidents happen at speeds or less that 25 miles per hour, 75 percent happen within 25 miles of home.

  56.Before 1989, in the United States ________.

  A) the use of seat belts was not compulsory for the majority of the population

  B) a new law requiring the use of seat belts had just been passed

  C) people had to choose between the use of seat belts or the use of air bags

  D) almost fifty percent of the people involved in car accidents were saved by seat Belts(A)

  57.The word “trapped” (Para. 3, Line 3) means to be ________.

  A) held up in a traffic jam

  B) confined in the car

  C) caught in an accident

  D) pulled into a car(B)

  58.One of the reasons why many drivers refuse to wear seat belts is because ________.

  A) they don’t think that it is comfortable to wear seat belts

  B) they don’t believe that an accident involving a terrible driver is highly probable

  C) they believe that no danger is involved in just driving a few blocks

  D) they think that few drivers are willing to wear seat belts(C)

  59.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A) seat belts should be replaced by air bags

  B) eighty-five percent of all drivers are likely to Break traffic rules

  C) all drivers, whether good or bad, are liable to have an accident at one time or another

  D) wearing seat belts will get drivers out of dangerous situations(C)

  60.The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is ________.

  A) to urge the government to pass the law sooner

  B) to tell how dangerous car-driving can be

  C) to criticise those who refuse to use seat belts

  D) to prove the necessity of the new rule(B)

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