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来源:考试网  [ 2017年8月8日 ]  【


  You start to introduce an old friend to someone, and suddenly you can’t remember that someone’s name even though you sense it is just there in your memory. Or you can’t quite bring back the name of a film you just saw. Such tip-of-the-tongue or TOT incidents happen to almost everyone, notes Deborah Burke, a scientist at Pomona College in Claremont, California.

  These lapses(失误) have noting to do with remembering the meaning of a word, but rather with its sound. “Often, the sound of a word is arbitrary (任意的) and senseless,” says Burke. This arbitrariness sometimes can make it difficult to bring back the word.

  The best way to prevent the problem is to use the name of a person or object as frequently as possible. “I tell people to do what salespeople often do-repeat people’s name several times just before you plan to see them,” says Liz Zelinski of the University of South California in Los Angeles.

  A TOT experience can seem worse when a similar-sounding(发音相似的),but incorrect, word comes into your head unexpectedly and stays there. Burke tells the story of a student who was trying to remember the name of a particular car. The student wanted the word Winnebago, but she could only come up with rutabaga. When this happens, think of something else, suggests Burke. “If you stop feeling worried about it, the correct word sooner or later will come to you.”

  ( )55. People sometimes find it hard to bring back a word they know well, for __________.

  A. it is impossible to remember every word

  B. the pronunciation seldom matches the spelling

  C. some words do not have any exact meaning

  D. its sound is decided for no good reason

  ( )56. TOT incidents are more likely to happen ________.

  A. with words similar in pronunciation

  B. with the name of a strange person or object

  C. when a word you don’t like gets into your mind

  D. when you pay too much attention to certain subjects

  ( )57. When you cannot come up with the right word you’re trying to remember, you may ______.

  A. think of more words of similar sound

  B. stop feeling worried but keep thinking of it

  C. do something else for a while and then try again

  D. forget it for the moment and pay attention to something else


  The Amish are often called the “Plain People.” Their home have no pictures on the walls, and no soft, comfortable furniture. The men wear dark trousers with white or blue shirts, and the women wear long dresses in dark colors. They ride in carriages pulled by horses.

  The Amish have a saying: “The old way is the best way.” Although the Amish accept some new ideas- they use new medicines, for example- their way of life has not changed much in 300 years. They do not use electric lights, telephones or TVs.

  Almost all Amish live on farms. They do not use modern machinery (机器),yet their farms are successful because the Amish work hard and take good care of their land and animals. Their farms are always small. The Amish think it is wrong to have more land or more money than they need to live upon. A few years ago some Amish farmers discovered oil on their land. They immediately sold their land moved away, without telling anyone about the oil.

  The Amish will not buy insurance (保险) of any kind. When there is trouble, they help one another. If an Amish farmer gets sick, friends and neighbors will milk his cows and plant his fields. If a house burns down, as many as 200 men will come and build a new house in one day.

  People are curious about the lives of the Amish. Every year thousands of people visit the part of Pennsylvania where most Amish live. Usually the Amish are not happy about the visitors, but they tolerate(容忍) them. Perhaps the Amish understand that the visitors want to experience, at least for a few days, the quieter, simpler Amish way of life.

  ( )58. The Amish are called the “ Plain People” because they _______________.

  A. live on plains B. live a simple life

  C. do not like new ideas D. do not care about their clothes

  ( )59. Some Amish farmers left their land after discovering oil on it because they_______.

  A. didn’t want to have more money than they needed

  B. found the land not suitable for farming any more

  C. were afraid of getting into trouble

  D. didn’t need oil in their life

  ( )60. From the passage we know that the Amish people ______.

  A. want to be separated from one another

  B. used to take no medicines when they got ill

  C. believe in what they have been doing for 300 years

  D. keep small farms because they are easier to manage

  ( )61. What can be inferred form the passage?

  A. The Amish way of life is considered to be the best for Americans

  B. The coming of visitors greatly improves the life of the Amish people

  C. People wonder at the Amish way of life

  D. The Amish people are born to tolerate others.

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