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考试网   2011-09-14   【

  46. She was deeply ________ by the amount of criticism her play received.

  A) deported C) involved

  B) deprived D) frustrated

  47. Some scientists are dubious of the claim that organisms ________ with age as an inevitable outcome of living.

  A) depress C) deteriorate

  B) default D) degrade

  48. Many manufacturers were accused of concentrating too heavily on cost reduction, often at the ________ of the quality of their products.

  A) expense C) expansion

  B) exposure D) expectation

  49. One witness ________ that he'd seen the suspect run out of the bank after it had been robbed.

  A) convicted C) retorted

  B) conformed D) testified

  50. Nothing Helen says is ever ________. She always thinks carefully before she speaks.

  A) simultaneous C) spontaneous

  B) homogenous D) rigorous
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