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考试网   2017-05-17   【


  cet6六级级作文范文:some students think studying in a university is worth-while only because they can get a degree . do you agree or disagree with this statement ?许多人认为上大学是非常值得的,因为可以获得学位,你是否同意这种观点?

  some students think studying in a university is worth-while only because they can get a degree . do you agree or disagree with this statement ?

  the surprising fact that i discover ed during my first year a t the university was that quite a big n umber of students wer e solely motivated by the academic degr ee they would obt ain upon gr adua tion . ce rtainly , i would not go anywhere nea r so far as to doubt the social and economic value that a degree would bring to students in future . however , i deem it too nar row for students to maintain this kind of attitude towards their studies .

  in my mind , unive rsity life contain s many enjoyable things , such as new ideas , good books and brilliant people . and the pursuit of new ideas , the reading of good books and the camp us f riends hip r equire a student’s complet e devotion but will shine in his whole life .

  probably this tendency is rooted in the vocation-oriented and the car ee r-oriented motivation . i f a student discovers his vocation , he find s a life-time pleas ure in pursuing his profession . by cont rast , a car eer -orient ed student tends to take the academic cer tificat e as an only means to pr efe rment .

  in conclusion , the unive rsity provides students with many golden oppor tunities , getting a degree being one of them . the challenge of new ideas , the leis ur e to read and the chance to meet people ar e equally impor tant . anyway , a broad mind adds so much to the value of a degree .
