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考试网   2015-06-08   【

  ? Part Ⅳ 短文大意?

  本篇短文主要说明了个人的主观能动性是取得成功的主要因素。那些在大学里学习想获取很大成就的学生往往比那些标准不高的学生的考分高得多。那么个人如何才能获取较大的成绩呢 ?主要靠个人的奋斗,也就是说,个人必须具有很强烈的获得成功的积极性。这种积极性不要别人监督,要对自己负责,要具有一定的良好素质——具有较大的成就,要有很强的积极性,有进取心,而不是仅仅为了找一份工作,混口饭吃而已。研究表明,有些的确有所作为的人为了避免失败则有更强的进取心。

  ? 71. 【参考答 案】individual motivation for work


  ?【详细解答】要找一篇文章的主题,必须首先对全文有所了解。本题的答案是不可能从某一句话或某一段落能够找得到的。这就需要有全局观念,要有概括能力,要从关键词中找答 案。文章的第一段主要说明了有进取心的学生往往考分较高,这种进取心来自一种动力 (motivation)。第二段主要说明那些有强烈愿望取得好成绩的人都有一种很强的motivation,这种积极性或原动力是不需要有人监督的。第三段最后一句话高度概括了这一段落的中心意思。然后,把三段的主要内容融合在一起考虑,就不难得出这样的结论: individual motivation for work。

  ? 72. 【参考答 案】by working well alone

  ?【解题技巧】可以利用原文中的关键词语来确定答 案。

  ?【详细解答】要回答这个问题,需要从字行里去找答 案,因为有些问题比较直观。个人如何获得好成绩 ?是靠个人的努力或是靠监管人员的监督?在第二段中有这样一句话: Their desire for accomplishment is a stronger motivation than any situation the supervisor can provide由此可知,个人的成绩是靠自己的努力,靠动力,而不是靠别人的监管。

  ? 73. 【参考答 案】accept responsibilities for themselves or be responsible for themselves

  ?【解题技巧】通过总结和推理找出答 案。

  ?【详细解答】根据短文意思,有争胜心的人往往会自己对自己负责。要回答这个问题是不能从某一句话或某一段落中找答 案的,就必须对整篇文章进行概括和总结,并根据问题的提出进行推理。前面已经讲过,学习好要有动力,取得成功要有动力,要靠本人,而不是靠别人的监管和督促,从而也就得出结论:成功要靠自己 (Be responsible for themselves)。

  ? 74. 【参考答 案】high achievement needs

  ?【解题技巧】从段落中的关键词语中找答 案。

  ?【详细解答】招聘人员对大学高年级学生训练成管理人材的素质要求是:要有很强的事业心和进取精神。这可以从短文的第三段中看得出来,如: Thoughts concerning the achievement drive are often prominent in the evaluations made by the typical employment interviewer who interviews college seniors for excutive training.这段文字的关键词语是:achievement drive(成就动力),也就是achievement needs。

  ? 75. 【参考答 案】they are afraid of failing

  ?【解题技巧】需要从字行里找答 案,根据关键词语进行推理。

  ?【详细解答】 What motivates some seniors to succeed?要回答这个问题,需要仔细分析文章的最后一句话: Research indicates that some who do get ahead have an even stronger drive to avoid failure. 研究说明有些的确能够进取的人甚至有更强的避免失败的动力。这种避免失败的动力,实际上就是害怕失败。

  ?Part Ⅴ?写作指导

  ?这是一篇描写文 (Description)。用通俗的话说,描写文就是用文字给人物、地点、景物画象。一篇描写文主要是通过所感受的细节——所见所闻发展而来的。在写人时,不仅仅要用细节描写其外貌,而要注重通过他的言行来表现其人物性格、思想和品德,更要抓住他区别于他人的性格特点,这样就容易给读者留下深刻的印象。短文的第一、二段叙述故事发生的时间、地点,故事发生的原因及故事所涉及的人物。文章的三、四、五段描写的是人物的外貌,穿着及性格特点。通过对人物言行的简单描写来揭示主人翁的助人为乐的高尚精神。短文的最后一段,要用一句话概括作者对主人翁的看法: A good guy。文章有描述,有议论,要加叙加议,有血有肉,上下文连贯要紧密,首尾要呼应,人和事要给人们留下深刻印象。

  Sample Writing

  The First Impression of My Roommate?

  It was my first day at the institute. I got into the building where I was going to live, and looked door after door for my name. At last I found it. In the room, there was already a student making his bed.?

  After we said “how do you do?” to each other, he continued his work, paying no more attention to me. I looked around the room and found that it had been thoroughly cleaned. No doubt it was he who had done it.?

  I looked at him. He was thin, short and dark. His hair was like a bundle of straw. His dirty clothes and tired look told me that he had had a long journey. His clothes were made of cheap cloth, and he wore a pair of rubber shoes, which were very unfashionable. He was not a very smart freshmen at all.?

  The second time he spoke, his accent told me that he was from the south. “Shall I help you to get your luggage from the office?”?I did not refuse since I really needed help. He was quick in movement. He walked out of the room and was soon far ahead of me to the office.?

  “ A good guy, ” I said to myself. “ I will make friends with him ” , and I hurried and caught up with him.
