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考试网   2014-05-03   【
Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.?

  Passage One?

  11. What is mainly talked about in the passage??

  A) How to distinguish people's faces.?

  B) How to describe people's personality.?

  C) How to distinguish people both inward and outward.?

  D) How to differ good persons from bad persons.?

  12.Why is the animal "pigeon" mentioned in the passage??

  A) To give an example that both human beings and animals can recognize faces.?

  B) To tell how a skilled writer could describe all the features of different people.

  C) To indicate how pigeons and people look different.?

  D) To show how faces are like fingers.?

  13.What does the author of this passage most probably do??

  A) Physician. B) Psychologist.?

  C) Fictional writer.D) Historian.?

  14.According to the passage, how do people usually classify a person into certain type??

  A) His physical appearance and his action.?

  B) His way of speaking and behaving.?

  C) His learning and behaviour.?

  D) His way of acting and thinking.?

  Passage Two?

  15. Why are divorces so common at present??

  A) Because it is difficult to maintain a marriage.?

  B) Because people like watching TV programs.?

  C) Because people prefer freedom to self-discipline.?

  D) Because our society is permissive towards divorces.?

  16.Which of the following cannot be sacrificed in a marriage??

  A) The freedom to have other sexual relations.?

  B) The desire to follow every of one's impulse.?

  C) The will to keep his or her own income.?

  D) The wish to be his or her true self.?

  17.How to maintain a good marriage??

  A)A man and a woman should follow every of their own impulse respectively.?

  B)A good marriage takes some level of compromise between the husband and the wife.

  C)A man and a woman should both have to endure dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul. D)A man and a woman should stop growing or changing. ?

  Passage Three?

  18.Which of the following is the best title of the passage??

  A) Types of Loneliness. B) Causes of Loneliness.?

  C) Solutions to Loneliness.D) Loneliness.?

  19. Which type of loneliness is NOT mentioned in the passage??

  A) Severe loneliness.B) Situational loneliness.?

  C) Chronic loneliness.D) Temporary loneliness.?

  20.Why is a person's social contacts one important factor in loneliness??

  A) We need our friends to share similar interests and activities.?

  B) We need our teachers to guide us.?

  C) We need co-workers to help us.?

  D) A lonely person's popularity may be increased with more social contacts.


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