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考试网   2011-08-15   【
50题讲的是“为了保证公平性,有必要对_______的故事设立一个系统”;回答本题,我们可以回到原文倒数第二段First, you need a system for how stories are proposed and reviewed. 所以应填入be proposed and reviewed。

  51题是针对文章的最后一段提问; By anticipating “what if …?” situations before they happen, you can reach understanding that will help ease you out of confrontations. 本句中ease out of和题目中的avoid异曲同工,所以,在这里填入confrontations即可。

  总体来说,本篇文章难度适中,所有问题基本都可以从原文中找到答案;特别需要注意的是有个别地方需要考生注意一下格式的对应,比如说第50题的be proposed and reviewed。

  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage。

  52. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

  答案:D. The general public thinks differently from most economists on the impact of immigration。

  关键词:yet, boost

  定位:题干中the first paragraph提示答案定位在第一段。根据关键词可以进一步定位。

  解析:第一段第二句“The American public overwhelmingly thinks they’re bad。”说明美国大众认为移民(微博)是不好的。而后面紧接着的第三句话“Yet the consensus among most economists is that… provides a small net boost”说明经济学家认为移民是有促进作用的。这句话中的Yet和boost,就是与前一句话作了对比。说明了在关于移民影响的问题上,美国大众和经济学家所持的观点是不同的。选项D“think differently”对应原文意思,因此选择选项D。

  53. In what way does the author think ordinary Americans benefit from immigration?

  答案:B. They can get consumer goods at lower prices。

  关键词:profit, lower prices


  解析:原文第三段第三句“these producers’ savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery store”说明移民劳动力节约了制造成本,使得我们在小店里买的东西价格更低,这与选项B中的“goods at lower prices”对应,因此选择B。

  54. Why do native low-skilled workers suffer most from illegal immigration?

  答案:C. They have a harder time getting a job with decent pay。

  关键词:low-skilled, reduce the wages


  解析:原文第三段最后一句话“immigration reduced the wages of the American high-school drop-outs…”中“high-school drop-outs…”高中辍学的人即选项C中“low-skilled workers”,而选项C中的“decent pay”与原文中“reduce the wages”对应说明了移民会导致低技能水平的当地人更难找到一份体面工资的工作了。因此,C的意思与原文最符合,此处选择C。
