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来源:考试网   2010-06-26   【
Nowadays,college students who need financial aid can apply for student loans provided by state-owned commercial banks. The money can help them pay their tuition fees and cover their necessary daily expense. The policy not only gives chances to the students eager to continue their study but also is beneficial to commercial banks.

  However,to our disappointment,there is an increasing rate of students who have failed to refund the loans in time. Some students are really unable to repay the money after graduation because of unemployment or some other reasons. But there are a number of students refusing to pay it back even though they can.

  In my opinion, college students should increase their awareness of credit. Anyone in debt should try his best to repay the loans in due time. If they are really in great difficulty, it is proper to inform the bank as soon as possible and apply for a delayed repayment. Only in this way can both college students and banks benefit from the policy.
