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来源:考试网   2011-02-12   【

  动词短语 专练(7)
  1. After ______ relations for more than 20 years, China and the US reestablished their diplomatic ties in 1972.?
  A) breaking off B) breaking into?
  C) breaking in D) breaking out of
  2. If you insist on carrying out this experiment you will have to ______ the consequences.?
  A) account for B) answer for?C) stand for D) go in for
  3. Young children soon ______ word they hear their elders use.?
  A) put forward B) turn up?C) look forward D) pick up
  4. We had to ______ dried milk as fresh milk wasn’t available.?
  A) fall back on B) face up to?
  C) carry back D) add up to
  5. They are for the time being busy ______ plans for the new course.?
  A) drawing on B) drawing in?
  C) drawing up D) drawing for
  1. A
  中美两国在断交二十年后于1972年恢复了他们的外交关系。 break off 终止:Let’s break off work and have some tea. 我们停下工作喝点茶吧。
  B) break into ①闯入:The robber broke into his house. 强盗闯进了他的房屋。②突然出声:He broke into laughter. 他突然笑了起来。
  C)break in ①打断,插入:He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插了话,说了一些他自己的看法。②闯入,强行进入:He broke in and stole my money. 他闯进来偷了我的钱。
  D) break out of 从……脱逃:The prisoner broke out of prison. 囚犯从监狱逃跑了。

  2. B
  answer for 对……负责,承担……之结果:I will answer for his safety. 我会对他的安全负责。
  A) account for 解释,说明:He could not account for his foolish mistake. 他无法解释他所犯的愚蠢错误。
  C) stand for ①代表,象征:The five-star red flag stands for China. 五星红旗象征着中国。②忍受,容忍:I won’t stand for any more of your rudeness. 我不愿再忍受你的无礼。
  D) go in for ①参加(技能或知识测验):I go in for the examination next year. 我明年参加考试。②喜爱,爱好:I don’t go in for sports. 我不喜好运动。
  3. D
  pick up①(非正规地)学会,学到:He picked up French while he was staying in Paris. 他在巴黎时学会了法语。②接(某人)上车:Pick me up at the hotel. 到饭店来接我。③拾起,拿起:Pick up all these pieces of paper. 把所有的这些纸都捡起来。
  A)put forward 提出:He put forward his views at the conference. 他在会上提出了他的看法。
  B)turn up 出现:He didn’t turn up until the end of the movie. 他一直到电影结束才来。
  C)look forward to 盼望(注意这儿to为介词,后面加名词或动名词):The children were eagerly looking forward to the party. 孩子们急切地盼望着聚会。
  4. A
  fall back on/upon(在必要时)依靠:It’s good to have a friend to fall back on. 有朋友可以依靠真是太好了。
  B) face up to 面对,承担:Pull yourself together and face up to life. 你要振奋起来面对生活。
  C) carry back 唤起回忆:The old picture carried me back 35 years to my wedding day. 这张老照片使我回想起35年前的结婚日。

  D)add up to ①=come to=amount to (数目)总计为:His debts added up to 100,000 Yuan. 他的债务达到了十万圆。②近乎,意为:Your long answer just adds up to a refusal. 你这冗长的答复意为着拒绝。
  5. C
  draw up 写,起草:draw up a contract起草合同。
  A)draw on/upon 使用:A writer has to draw on his imagination and experience. 作家得运用想像力和阅历。
  B)draw in ①到了:The train drew in. 火车到了。②驶到路边,往路边靠:The bus drew in to let the car pass. 公共汽车驶到路边让汽车通过。
  D)draw for 抽签:Let’s draw for the right to go first. 我们抽签看谁可以先去。
