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来源:考试网   2011-02-12   【

  动词短语 专练(2)
  6. I want to buy a new tie to ______ this brown suit.?
  A) go with B) go after?
  C) go into D) go by
  7. It is much earlier to talk about social change than to ______.?
  A) bring it to B) bring it up?
  C) bring it about D) bring it out
  8. When the whole area was ______ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.?
  A) cut in B) cut back?
  C) cut down D) cut off
  9. He agreed to help us but ______ when he found how difficult it was.?
  A) backed up B) backed behind?
  C) backed out D) backed away
  10. You should ______ that she had been sick recently. She could do better she were well.?
  A) account for B) count on?
  C) take into account D) take for granted
  6. A
  我想买条和这套褐色西服相配的新领带。go with 配合,相配。
  Mary’s blue dress goes with her eyes. 玛丽的蓝色裙子和她眼睛的颜色很相配。B)go after (不正式)追求(某人或事):go after a girl/job/prize 追求女孩/求职/争取奖品 C)go into 从事;进入(行业,生活状况):to go into politics/business/films 从政/从商/从影 D)go by (时光)逝去,过去:Two months went by before he finally settled down in his new school. 两个月过去了他才适应了新的学校。转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
  7. C
  bring about 产生,引起。
  A)bring to=bring round 使苏醒:Peter has fainted。Try to bring him to.彼得昏过去了。设法把他救醒过来。
  B) bring up=raise 抚养,教育;
  D)bring out ①生产,制造:to bring out a new kind of soap生产一种新肥皂; ②使发挥,使显露:Difficulties can bring out a person’s best qualities. 困境能使一个人发挥出最大的优点。
  8. D
  cut off 隔绝。When the city was cut off, everyone knew that total defeat was certain.
  A) cut in (不正式)插嘴说:
  Don’t cut in while I’m talking. You can say what you want later.
  B) cut back=to reduce in size or amount减少,减小:
  The unions strongly opposed any plans to cut back (on) industrial production.
  C) cut down=to reduce in quantity or amount 削减,减少:
  The doctors have told me to cut down (on) smoking and drinking.
  9. C
  back out (不正式)未能履行(允诺、契约等)。I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment. 我希望能信得过你不至于最后关头打退堂鼓。
  A)back sb. up=support 支持:Most members were against Tom, who would have lost his position if you hadn’t backed him up. 大部分会员都反对汤姆,如果当初没有你对他的支持的话,他可能已失去职位了。
  B) back behind 不是固定搭配。D) back away 向后退(以腾出空间或因害怕等):The taxi driver backed away to let the bus go through the narrow road. 出租车司机把车向后退了退让公共汽车通过狭窄的道路。
  10. C
  take into account 考虑。
  I’ll take your suggestions into account. 我会考虑你的建议的。
  A)account for 说明,说明……的原因:He could not account for his absence. 他无法说明他缺席的原因。 B)count on=depend on=rely on指望,依靠:We can always count on him for help in any emergency. 我们总能指望他在紧急的情况下帮助我们。D)take for granted 认为……理所当然。
